Episode 277

Published on:

28th Nov 2024

277: Loose Change: Long Term Real Estate

Join host Anthony Weaver for the world premiere of Loose Change, where he revisits past episodes with fresh insights on long-distance real estate investing. This week, Anthony dives into episodes featuring Shawn Ackerman from February 2021 and the real estate diva, Zena Dixon, from June 2023. Discover the challenges and triumphs of building a real estate empire from afar, and learn how to leverage a strong team to achieve success without ever stepping foot on the property.

In this episode, we explore:

The importance of assembling a reliable team for long-distance real estate investments.

Strategies for cold calling and building relationships with key players in the real estate market.

Shawn's journey from zero deals to owning multiple properties without ever visiting them.

Zena's experience of purchasing her first property during the pandemic and the advantages of buying out-of-state.

Insights into the delayed finance method and leveraging FHA loans for real estate investment.

Challenges faced by women in the male-dominated real estate industry and how Zena navigates them.

Shawn's website - https://www.ikeptitrealestatellc.com/

Zena's website - https://www.instagram.com/zenadixoninc/


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DISCLAIMER: The content in this audio is for educational purposes only. Conduct your own research and make the best choice for you. If you need advice, contact a qualified professional.

Episode 277

Anthony Weaver:

Hey everybody, it's me, Anthony.

Anthony Weaver:

And I just want to say thank you all for being here

Anthony Weaver:

for the world premiere of Loose Change.

Anthony Weaver:

The way this works is that I choose one

Anthony Weaver:

topic and then select two episodes

Anthony Weaver:

from maybe about three years or so ago

Anthony Weaver:

and something that's more recent. And this

Anthony Weaver:

week I pick long distance real estate as a

Anthony Weaver:

topic. And the episodes that I've

Anthony Weaver:

decided to choose is the one from

Anthony Weaver:

February 2021 with my guy, Sean

Anthony Weaver:

Ackeumen and the real estate

Anthony Weaver:

diva, uh, Xena Dixon from

Anthony Weaver:

June 2023. So don't

Anthony Weaver:

forget to leave a five star review on Apple

Anthony Weaver:

like and subscribe. Now let's get to it.

Shawn Ackerman:

18 months that it took me to build my team. I

Shawn Ackerman:

knew management, Iew a realtor, iew

Shawn Ackerman:

insurance. I know a loan officer and I know a title

Shawn Ackerman:

company was going to be my five people that I

Shawn Ackerman:

need, property management. Cause they have all those

Shawn Ackerman:

other people that are affiliated with them, the

Shawn Ackerman:

contractors, the handyman and all that. So I would just make a

Shawn Ackerman:

list, right? I would just make a list of, uh,

Shawn Ackerman:

whatever, discipline. When I was flying down

Shawn Ackerman:

from LaGuardia to O'Hare

Shawn Ackerman:

and driving into Milwaukee, I would have my list

Shawn Ackerman:

of five, six or seven people from that

Shawn Ackerman:

specific discipline that I was going to see, um, that

Shawn Ackerman:

weekend, right? And I would call them ahead of time

Shawn Ackerman:

and then call them maybe a week before. Hey, listen,

Shawn Ackerman:

just to confirm, I'm flying in, um, you

Shawn Ackerman:

know, on Friday, Saturday or whatever,

Shawn Ackerman:

and I just wantn to make sure we're confirmed for this

Shawn Ackerman:

time. So it was a cold call, uh, initially,

Shawn Ackerman:

right? You know, talking to them over the phone, explaining to them

Shawn Ackerman:

over the phone, but meeting them in person was

Shawn Ackerman:

just kind of like the icing on a cake. And

Shawn Ackerman:

a lot of times, to be honest with you, a lot of those

Shawn Ackerman:

conversations wasn't really just straight business, right?

Shawn Ackerman:

Cause I wanna know who people are, right? Like,

Shawn Ackerman:

you know, behind the, uh, hey, this is the service that

Shawn Ackerman:

I provide. Like where, you know, what's

Shawn Ackerman:

your family dynamic look like, right? Where'd you go to

Shawn Ackerman:

school, right? You know, what are your aspirations? What are you

Shawn Ackerman:

trying to, you know, do long term, right?

Shawn Ackerman:

And I have to figure out if I can fit in that,

Shawn Ackerman:

right? And I'm also sharing with them what my

Shawn Ackerman:

aspirations are. Here's a guy from New York, you know,

Shawn Ackerman:

coming into your market, uh, and I'm telling you,

Shawn Ackerman:

I can help grow your business. I haven't done a

Shawn Ackerman:

single deal at this point. But I had that vision,

Shawn Ackerman:

right? Had that vision, like, yo, this is what

Shawn Ackerman:

I'm really going to be able to accomplish, um, for you.

Shawn Ackerman:

And I want you to be on my team to do

Shawn Ackerman:

that. Right? Um, being, uh, being in the

Shawn Ackerman:

9 to 5 space, having like, case managers under

Shawn Ackerman:

me or having, you know, understanding that dynamic,

Shawn Ackerman:

I think that was very helpful too. That was a very

Shawn Ackerman:

helpful skill. Cause I interview people,

Shawn Ackerman:

you know, for that position, for those case

Shawn Ackerman:

manager positions regularly. Right. That's a high

Shawn Ackerman:

turnover type of position. I prefer to grow with

Shawn Ackerman:

people. Right. I like building stuff from the

Shawn Ackerman:

ground up, building a solid foundation, because with

Shawn Ackerman:

that you can stack anything on top of it, right?

Shawn Ackerman:

Once it's built and the foundation is solid,

Shawn Ackerman:

you can stack anything on top of it. But if you build something on

Shawn Ackerman:

sand just because you re ready to deploy capital and you're

Shawn Ackerman:

ready to start investing, then it's going to crumble

Shawn Ackerman:

at some point. You know what I mean? Which is why I'm able

Shawn Ackerman:

to buy. I bought, um, um,

Shawn Ackerman:

seven or eight properties last year for

Shawn Ackerman:

myself, having t gone through a single one of them,

Shawn Ackerman:

right. Um, they all close without me seeing them.

Shawn Ackerman:

I just have photos. But I have a team that

Shawn Ackerman:

I trust and rely on to get me good information

Shawn Ackerman:

to help me underwrite the deals. Um, and all I gotta

Shawn Ackerman:

do is just wide up the funds to. To the title company. And I

Shawn Ackerman:

use a, uh, merit title out in u. Out in Milwaukee.

Shawn Ackerman:

So if anybody's looking at Milwaukee, man, merit

Shawn Ackerman:

title out of Brookfield. They are awesome,

Shawn Ackerman:

man. You know what I mean?

Anthony Weaver:

So now this is really good that you're actually, um,

Anthony Weaver:

are taking the time out today to kind of give the

Anthony Weaver:

people something that they never thought was

Anthony Weaver:

possible. Um, or if, even if it is

Anthony Weaver:

possible, they probably didn't hear or meet somebody

Anthony Weaver:

that has actually done it. Um, I know I

Anthony Weaver:

haven't. I mean, I hear about all the time.

Shawn Ackerman:

That's why we. I've never done a podcast before,

Shawn Ackerman:

so each one teach one. You feel me?

Shawn Ackerman:


Anthony Weaver:

So, I mean, I don't want to keep the people here

Anthony Weaver:

forever. Cause I know we can actually dive into this. Cause I'm actually

Anthony Weaver:

excited about the different businesses that you

Anthony Weaver:

have, uh, within your company.

Anthony Weaver:

I mean, as'an umbrella company. Um, because

Anthony Weaver:

you talked about growing from one unit to

Anthony Weaver:

87 units, and actually now you're actually getting

Anthony Weaver:


Anthony Weaver:

Um, and then also, um, I guess my

Anthony Weaver:

next question would be about the funnel.

Shawn Ackerman:

It's looking good. So I'm buying and I'm

Shawn Ackerman:

using the delayed finance method, right?

Shawn Ackerman:

So whereas I buy cash, then I put

Shawn Ackerman:

debt on the property after. After the property'cleaned

Shawn Ackerman:

up, renovated, put tenants in place, then

Shawn Ackerman:

I go to the bank I've always done. So

Shawn Ackerman:

it'funny story, my very first deal, very first

Shawn Ackerman:

wholesale deal, I put two people together, right?

Shawn Ackerman:

One, um, it was a three over three

Shawn Ackerman:

duplex. The seller had cut up into like a roomor

Shawn Ackerman:

house style, right? So it was getting like 400 a

Shawn Ackerman:

unit, 16, 100 up, 1,600

Shawn Ackerman:

down. Cash CALW, right? It's very

Shawn Ackerman:

easy, uh, easy on the eyes in terms of

Shawn Ackerman:

numbers, right? So I wanted to take this down, but I didn't have

Shawn Ackerman:

the capital, so I had to, uh, market it

Shawn Ackerman:

on bigger pockets, right? So I put it out on

Shawn Ackerman:

bigger pockets that I have this deal. I was

Shawn Ackerman:

putting it in Facebook posts or I probably use

Shawn Ackerman:

craigslist and all that just to tell people,

Shawn Ackerman:

like, hey, listen, I have this deal. Um,

Shawn Ackerman:

I can't buy it now, but I'm willing to give it to

Shawn Ackerman:

you for a fee, right?

Shawn Ackerman:

And, um, one of the guys hit me up on bigger pockets. He was

Shawn Ackerman:

actually local to Milwaukee. Dan,

Shawn Ackerman:

uh, my guy to steal to this day,

Shawn Ackerman:

my first buyer. So he hit me up. But Dan didn't have

Shawn Ackerman:

all the capital. I think I was getting it for

Shawn Ackerman:

26,000, um, and I was probably selling

Shawn Ackerman:

it for like 33, 32, something like that.

Shawn Ackerman:

Um, so Dan didn't have all the capital. Dan probably had like

Shawn Ackerman:

18, 19 grand. Another guy

Shawn Ackerman:

from, uh, New Hampshire hit me up on bp.

Shawn Ackerman:

Hey, Sean, I see you got this deal. You know, I'm

Shawn Ackerman:

interested in it. Are you interested in doing seller

Shawn Ackerman:

financing? I didn't really know much about sell a

Shawn Ackerman:

nancing at that time, but his issue

Shawn Ackerman:

was he didn't have all the capital. So I said,

Shawn Ackerman:

hold up, we got my man from Milwaukee. We

Shawn Ackerman:

got you together. Y'all can make that

Shawn Ackerman:

33 grand make sense. Let me

Shawn Ackerman:

put y'all together. So I put them together.

Shawn Ackerman:

We got on, uh, a group email orever we put it

Shawn Ackerman:

together, they start talking. They formed a

Shawn Ackerman:

partnership, um, through me, like, like

Shawn Ackerman:

through me reaching out or speaking to both of them.

Shawn Ackerman:

And they, ah, formed the LLC and bought the deal,

Shawn Ackerman:

man. That was my very first wholesale

Shawn Ackerman:

deal. It's crazy, uh, a room in house,

Shawn Ackerman:

two investors that didn't know each other. They

Shawn Ackerman:

don't know me. We've never seen each other. I

Shawn Ackerman:

mean, after that I was hooked, man. And I

Shawn Ackerman:

made a $6,000 check and it s been

Shawn Ackerman:

off to the races.

Zenia Dixon:

Because when someone passes, you have no control. But

Zenia Dixon:

buying property, I have control. So I was able

Zenia Dixon:

to, um, just store myself into this

Zenia Dixon:

process of learning how to buy multifamily,

Zenia Dixon:

of, um, know, getting all my

Zenia Dixon:

Paperwork together, working with lenders and just

Zenia Dixon:

figuring out the whole process,

Zenia Dixon:

um, looking at properties, asking

Zenia Dixon:

questions, working with a realtor, all that kind of stuff.

Zenia Dixon:

And it really helped me with

Zenia Dixon:

my depression. Plus I

Zenia Dixon:

was able to accomplish a goal that I set for myself because

Zenia Dixon:

at the top of the year, um, was it

Zenia Dixon:

2021? 2021, I said

Zenia Dixon:

I'm not going to let this year go without buying a property.

Zenia Dixon:

In June, I was able to close on my first property.

Anthony Weaver:

Nice, nice.

Anthony Weaver:

So can you walk us through the numbers of your first

Anthony Weaver:


Zenia Dixon:

Absolutely. So, um, again,

Zenia Dixon:

hight the pandemic, all the stuff still going

Zenia Dixon:

on, um, and

Zenia Dixon:

people uh, were scared to fly. Um,

Zenia Dixon:

oh, let me go back. So initially when I first

Zenia Dixon:

started looking, I lived in New Jersey and

Zenia Dixon:

looking at four units was like upwards of 800,000

Zenia Dixon:

do to a million dollars. And these properties were worn

Zenia Dixon:

down and I just mentally I could not

Zenia Dixon:

wrap my head around paying so much for a four unit

Zenia Dixon:

building. So um, again, Instagram to the

Zenia Dixon:

rescue, talking about um, real

Zenia Dixon:

estate, you know, buying out of state, you know, out ofate

Zenia Dixon:

investors. So I was okay, let me look at that. So,

Zenia Dixon:

um, I had come out to Chicago for work one year

Zenia Dixon:

and I like Chicago. I think Chicago is a vibe, especially during the

Zenia Dixon:

summer. Um, and I was just like, well let me look at

Zenia Dixon:

their inventory because I know that they have a lot of multifam

Zenia Dixon:

families. And um, I had

Zenia Dixon:

put in three offers on three different

Zenia Dixon:

buildings and the last one stuck. And

Zenia Dixon:

um, even though, which I cautioned

Zenia Dixon:

my clients and students now do not buy

Zenia Dixon:

at market by under market. But at the time I was

Zenia Dixon:

just in a frenzy. I was like, so,

Zenia Dixon:

um, I did buy the property, um,

Zenia Dixon:

and my interest rate was like

Zenia Dixon:

2.7%. I uh,

Zenia Dixon:

inherited tenants. Um, so I walked into

Zenia Dixon:

a situation that was newly rehabbed that had

Zenia Dixon:

tenants in place. Um, the property

Zenia Dixon:

passed the self sufficiency test, which is 75% of

Zenia Dixon:

the rents have to cover the mortgage. And

Zenia Dixon:

that was true with um, the rents being under

Zenia Dixon:

market. So I was just like, this is a no brainer for me because I'm going to

Zenia Dixon:

bring the property, um, the rents up to market.

Zenia Dixon:

The unit that I supposed to occupy as the owner occupant,

Zenia Dixon:

once I leave, that'll be an additional 1,200 dolars

Zenia Dixon:

to $1,300 in cash flow. So I was just like,

Zenia Dixon:

I'm still winning, it's okay. M

Zenia Dixon:

and at the end of

Zenia Dixon:

2021 the identical building

Zenia Dixon:

across the street was purchased and they paid

Zenia Dixon:

$50,000 more than I paid. So that bumps

Zenia Dixon:

up things because of the comps. So I was just

Zenia Dixon:

like h. This was a good idea.

Anthony Weaver:

So how much did you pay for the property?

Zenia Dixon:

Um, 457.

Anthony Weaver:

Okay, so 457. So that mean the one

Anthony Weaver:

across started, uh, for 507.

Anthony Weaver:

Just rough numbers.

Zenia Dixon:


Anthony Weaver:

That is amazing. Ye especially like

Anthony Weaver:

was it 2.7%?

Zenia Dixon:

Yes. Yes.

Anthony Weaver:

And you did it through the conventional way or hard money

Anthony Weaver:

lender or how.

Zenia Dixon:

Did you fund FHA? FHA with

Zenia Dixon:

3.5% down? Um, I

Zenia Dixon:

did not go after any down payment, um,

Zenia Dixon:

down payment assistant programs because I'm impatient

Zenia Dixon:

when I want something. I just want it right then and there.

Zenia Dixon:

Um, but again, something I teach, teach them, you

Zenia Dixon:

know, my students and my um, one on one

Zenia Dixon:

consultations is go for the down payment assistance because you can

Zenia Dixon:

get 100% down payment assistance and you get to keep more

Zenia Dixon:

money. So you can probably get into another deal. But

Zenia Dixon:

because I'm impatient because I just had this need to

Zenia Dixon:

like really, really close on a property and get it done as

Zenia Dixon:

quickly as possible to cross that off my checklist

Zenia Dixon:

just, I just paid out of pocket. But

Zenia Dixon:

still the leverage that's

Zenia Dixon:

there was tremendous. So to me it was just a

Zenia Dixon:

no brainer.

Anthony Weaver:

Nice. Now because real estate is mostly

Anthony Weaver:

male dominated, how was that being a woman

Anthony Weaver:

inside thisn, uh, inside this

Anthony Weaver:

environment has uh, been beneficial or

Anthony Weaver:

detrimental to your experience?

Zenia Dixon:

Um, u. I would say a little of both. And the

Zenia Dixon:

reason why is because dealing with um, some

Zenia Dixon:

realtors and some lenders and you're the

Zenia Dixon:

woman on the phone.

Anthony Weaver:

Thank you for watching the first of many Loose Change episodes.

Anthony Weaver:

Be sure to smash that like button. What episode? Sh. I

Anthony Weaver:

get some change from next. Let me know in the

Anthony Weaver:

comments. Until next time everybody. Y'all be safe.

Anthony Weaver:

I'm out. Paace.


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About the Podcast

Helping You Build Strong Financial Habits!
About That Wallet is a financial lifestyle podcast hosted by Anthony Weaver. It's designed to help the sandwich generation build strong financial habits and make smarter money decisions. The podcast covers a wide range of personal finance topics, including:

Budgeting and saving: Tips for creating and sticking to a budget, and strategies for saving money.
Investing: Advice on investing for the future, including stocks, bonds, and real estate.

Debt management: Strategies for paying off debt and avoiding future debt.
Financial planning: How to set financial goals and create a plan to achieve them.

The podcast often features interviews with experts in finance, discussions on current financial trends, and practical tips for improving your financial literacy. If you're looking for a podcast that can help you take control of your finances, About That Wallet is a great option.

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