272: [Brandon Lovingier] Money, Military and Marriage
Host Anthony Weaver welcomes Brandon Lovingier @enlistedmoney, a military veteran and financial consultant, to discuss the importance of building strong financial habits and the challenges that come with managing money. Brandon shares his personal journey from financial struggles to becoming a financial planner, emphasizing the importance of budgeting, automation, and the emotional aspects of spending.
Join us as we discuss:
- The emotional and financial challenges that Brandon faced and how he overcame them.
- The significance of budgeting and creating a system that works for you.
- The impact of military service on financial planning and the unique benefits it offers.
- The importance of starting early with investments, even with small amounts.
- Strategies for having difficult conversations about financial planning with family.
- Brandon's future plans, including his upcoming book "Enlist to Wealth" and his transition to civilian life.
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:02:00 - Brandon's Financial Journey
00:10:30 - Importance of Budgeting and Automation
00:18:45 - Military Benefits and Financial Planning
00:25:30 - Starting Early with Investments
00:32:15 - Difficult Conversations About Family Finances
00:40:00 - Brandon's Future Plans and Projects
00:45:00 - Final Four Questions
00:55:00 - Closing Remarks
Discover more about Brandon and his work:
Website: https://enlistedmoney.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/enlistedmoney
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Episode 272
Yeah, I mean, I mean, the. The real big reason why
Brandon Lovingier:is just because I. I don't want anybody to have to go through a
Brandon Lovingier:lot of the stuff that I had to go through. And. And
Brandon Lovingier:honestly, we, you know, we always had a roof over our
Brandon Lovingier:head. We always had food to eat. So, like, there's people that have had it worse
Brandon Lovingier:than me, but I remember putting rent on a
Brandon Lovingier:credit card because there was nothing, you know, there was nothing
Brandon Lovingier:left. Uh, I can remember, you know, eating,
Brandon Lovingier:you know, just random noodles that we had in the, in the, in the
Brandon Lovingier:cabinet because, yeah, like, it. There was just
Brandon Lovingier:nothing. Um, and,
Brandon Lovingier:um, yeah, and it didn't have to be that way.
Brandon Lovingier:Like, I had. We had enough money to
Brandon Lovingier:be able to be fine, but,
Brandon Lovingier:you know, because of my spending habits and all that. And then you
Brandon Lovingier:introduce credit cards and things like that. Like,
Brandon Lovingier:um, yeah, that was just a recipe for just me
Brandon Lovingier:digging a bigger and bigger hole.
Anthony Weaver:Welcome, everybody, back to another exciting show, the about
Anthony Weaver:that water podcast, where we help you build strong financial
Anthony Weaver:habits so that you feel comfortable talking
Anthony Weaver:about money, spending money, and even
Anthony Weaver:wasting money. So one of the cool people that
Anthony Weaver:I have coming on just a few moments
Anthony Weaver:is a guy who's served in the military,
Anthony Weaver:actually the army, for 19 years
Anthony Weaver:and has deployed to Iraq and
Anthony Weaver:Afghanistan. He's established his blog called
Anthony Weaver:the Enlisted Money to help enlisted service
Anthony Weaver:members avoid the same mistakes that he made
Anthony Weaver:and achieve financial freedom. He's earned his
Anthony Weaver:chartered financial consultant, the
Anthony Weaver:CHFC designation in
Anthony Weaver:2022, and is one of the first military
Anthony Weaver:qualified financial planner. How
Anthony Weaver:you doing today, Brandon?
Brandon Lovingier:Hey, I'm great. I really appreciate you having me on, Anthony.
Anthony Weaver:No, uh, problem. Uh, and one of
Anthony Weaver:the things that I really wanted to have you come on the show
Anthony Weaver:today was to really take a deep dive and
Anthony Weaver:another look into really adding that
Anthony Weaver:resiliency in our finances
Anthony Weaver:and really helping us set up a budget
Anthony Weaver:so that we don't have that tendency to
Anthony Weaver:spend money. Can you talk about a little
Anthony Weaver:bit, like, why is it such
Anthony Weaver:a hard thing for us to not spend money,
Anthony Weaver:Jeff?
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah, well, I mean, it's kind of one of those things
Brandon Lovingier:that, um, I mean, I've definitely struggled with this a lot.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, I'm a natural spender. Um, and
Brandon Lovingier:honestly, I kind of struggled with that a little bit because a lot of, uh,
Brandon Lovingier:podcasts and different, uh, blogs and stuff like
Brandon Lovingier:that, I was like, yeah, they're, you know, pretty
Brandon Lovingier:seem like a lot of natural savers and stuff like that. And so,
Brandon Lovingier:like, some of the stuff wasn't maybe directly
Brandon Lovingier:applicable to me. But you, you mentioned a budget. And, and that
Brandon Lovingier:is something that, that everybody can, can use.
Brandon Lovingier:But, um. Um, I mean, we've, we've definitely done
Brandon Lovingier:a lot of different iterations over the years, and, and a lot of
Brandon Lovingier:that is just because of, like, the way I, the
Brandon Lovingier:way I process and spend money. Like, it
Brandon Lovingier:can't get in my hands because I can't hold on to it.
Brandon Lovingier:Like, I've got, I got big, I've got big hands and I got a strong
Brandon Lovingier:grip, but not on money. Like, it
Brandon Lovingier:just slips right through. Um, so a lot of
Brandon Lovingier:our processes, uh, are designed around
Brandon Lovingier:that. And so kind of like talking about
Brandon Lovingier:automation, um, you know, we segment things
Brandon Lovingier:into different categories, different buckets, and, you
Brandon Lovingier:know, and that mental accounting and doing
Brandon Lovingier:that realistic, um, budgeting
Brandon Lovingier:is something that's helped out a lot over the
Brandon Lovingier:years.
Anthony Weaver:Yeah. And throughout the years, you always
Anthony Weaver:find your ebbs and flows of your finances.
Anthony Weaver:And I found that majority of the time, people
Anthony Weaver:has a tendency to spend money when they're happy
Anthony Weaver:or when they sad or when they're hungry
Anthony Weaver:or just because they want to give, especially
Anthony Weaver:during the holidays. It's almost like, don't put a price to
Anthony Weaver:this. Whatever makes you happy. So is
Anthony Weaver:that, um, is there a way or a structure that we can
Anthony Weaver:put in place to kind of help us to kind
Anthony Weaver:of hold some of that back and
Anthony Weaver:just really be intentional with our finances?
Brandon Lovingier:Oh, yeah, definitely. Um. Um, I mean, especially, like, you talking
Brandon Lovingier:about like, the giving and stuff like that. Like, I'm, I'm
Brandon Lovingier:really bad about that. Like, I'll just be like, hey, here, you know,
Brandon Lovingier:here's $20, or what, whatever. And it would drive
Brandon Lovingier:my wife nuts because she'd be like, we needed that. Like,
Brandon Lovingier:that was, you know, we needed that. And so, um. Um,
Brandon Lovingier:over time, we've actually got a system in place. Like, we actually
Brandon Lovingier:have a set amount of money that goes into a
Brandon Lovingier:specific giving, uh, fund, and then we'll
Brandon Lovingier:use that. And actually, I actually now carry, um. Um, they're,
Brandon Lovingier:they're pretty cool. I don't think I have one on me, but they're little, uh, uh, grace
Brandon Lovingier:bomb cards. Um. Um, and then, you know, keep
Brandon Lovingier:those in a, and an envelope in my, in my wallet
Brandon Lovingier:or in my car or in both of our cars, uh, uh, just with a
Brandon Lovingier:little bit of cash. And so, like, that's like, set aside for,
Brandon Lovingier:hey, if we find somebody that, um, you
Brandon Lovingier:know, that needs something or whatever, I can, you know, give
Brandon Lovingier:them. Give them, you know, $20 or buy them a meal
Brandon Lovingier:or whatever they need and give it to them. But
Brandon Lovingier:um, but yeah, I mean, I think you, you
Brandon Lovingier:really touch on a really important piece is just like, you know, that
Brandon Lovingier:emotional component of it because, you know,
Brandon Lovingier:we need to know what we're going to do in the moment. Um, and
Brandon Lovingier:then develop systems around that to, uh,
Brandon Lovingier:either not circumvent
Brandon Lovingier:it, but maybe redirect that a little bit or reframe
Brandon Lovingier:it. Um, that's been really helpful for me. Um,
Brandon Lovingier:just to know, like, hey, when I say yes to this, I'm saying
Brandon Lovingier:no to something else. Um, and
Brandon Lovingier:then also maybe,
Brandon Lovingier:hey, you can't do all of
Brandon Lovingier:what you're wanting to do, but you can do a little bit.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, and so that's been helpful. And then over
Brandon Lovingier:time, been able to, um. Um,
Brandon Lovingier:like I said, kind of build up like, savings accounts, like
Brandon Lovingier:Christmas giving, um, um, all
Brandon Lovingier:those kinds of things. We actually put a little bit
Brandon Lovingier:away each month into, um, um, uh,
Brandon Lovingier:high yield savings accounts for some of those, you know,
Brandon Lovingier:specific things that we want to do.
Anthony Weaver:Yeah. So who was the first person
Anthony Weaver:that actually taught you how to manage money?
Brandon Lovingier:That's a, that's a good question. So,
Brandon Lovingier:I mean, I learned some real
Brandon Lovingier:basic, um, money management
Brandon Lovingier:skills when I was fairly young,
Brandon Lovingier:um, just because I had a checking account and things like
Brandon Lovingier:that. And I had to know how to balance a checkbook. So I'd say
Brandon Lovingier:pretty early on, my mom,
Brandon Lovingier:uh, showed me how to balance a checkbook and all that because,
Brandon Lovingier:um, we did four h. And so,
Brandon Lovingier:um, we, uh, raised hogs
Brandon Lovingier:and stuff like that. And so you had to
Brandon Lovingier:basically manage your budget for, um,
Brandon Lovingier:for all that. And that was part of the project is you had to
Brandon Lovingier:have your initial costs, like how much
Brandon Lovingier:it costs to buy the feeder pig, how much you bought
Brandon Lovingier:and feed each year, each month and all that.
Brandon Lovingier:And then you take them to the sale at the fair at the end of
Brandon Lovingier:the year. And then that's kind of how you, uh,
Brandon Lovingier:figure out, um, how you did and all that kind of
Brandon Lovingier:stuff. Um, so that was actually,
Brandon Lovingier:I kind of forgot I even kind of learned that
Brandon Lovingier:way. But I. But, yeah. And
Brandon Lovingier:then other than that, I don't think I
Brandon Lovingier:really had a lot of money management
Brandon Lovingier:skills until, um, later. I
Brandon Lovingier:just kind of, I just kind of
Brandon Lovingier:figured out like, hey, I spent all my money, I need to go
Brandon Lovingier:make more. And so I got really good at like, finding ways
Brandon Lovingier:to make money. Yeah. Oh, I'm really good at making
Brandon Lovingier:money. I'm even better at spending it, though. And so that,
Brandon Lovingier:you know, that, that eventually, uh, became a
Brandon Lovingier:problem, um, just, you know, over
Brandon Lovingier:time. So, yeah.
Anthony Weaver:And one of the things that I found is that we
Anthony Weaver:love, uh, making, uh, money. It's so easy
Anthony Weaver:to do. Um, um, but when
Anthony Weaver:it comes to spending, sometimes it depends on, you
Anthony Weaver:know, your mindset at the time frame. Like, obviously
Anthony Weaver:during the fall, it's like shots, we ain't going nowhere. Let's spend
Anthony Weaver:it. Let's go somewhere. Let's do something fun.
Anthony Weaver:But also, you created this whole
Anthony Weaver:program, uh, because you delved into a lot of
Anthony Weaver:stuff before you actually finally honed in onto your craft
Anthony Weaver:from blogging. And you did
Anthony Weaver:this mostly because nobody was out
Anthony Weaver:there talking about it the way that you felt was
Anthony Weaver:helpful. Uh, can you talk about more
Anthony Weaver:of a reason why? What is your big why besides
Anthony Weaver:just like, hey, I just want to give this to somebody else?
Brandon Lovingier:Jeff? Yeah, I mean, I mean, the, the real big
Brandon Lovingier:reason why is just because I, I don't want anybody to have to go
Brandon Lovingier:through a lot of the stuff that I had to go through.
Brandon Lovingier:And, and honestly, we, you know, we always had
Brandon Lovingier:a roof overhead. We always had food to eat. So, like, there's people that
Brandon Lovingier:have had it worse than me, but I remember
Brandon Lovingier:putting rent on a credit card to me because there was nothing, you know, there
Brandon Lovingier:was nothing left. Um, um, I can remember, you
Brandon Lovingier:know, eating, you know, just random noodles that we had in the,
Brandon Lovingier:in the, in the cabinet because, yeah, like, it, there was just
Brandon Lovingier:nothing. Um, and,
Brandon Lovingier:um, and, yeah, and it didn't have to be that way.
Brandon Lovingier:Like, I had, we had enough money to,
Brandon Lovingier:to be able to be fine,
Brandon Lovingier:but, you know, because of, you know, my spending habits and all that, and
Brandon Lovingier:then you introduce credit cards and things like that,
Brandon Lovingier:like, um, yeah, that was just a recipe for just
Brandon Lovingier:me digging a bigger and bigger hole. Um,
Brandon Lovingier:and, and so, you know, I
Brandon Lovingier:guess my, you know, my big why is just, you know,
Brandon Lovingier:nobody, nobody needs to do that. And I,
Brandon Lovingier:if, you know, if somebody would have told me early
Brandon Lovingier:on, like, hey, man, if you just stay out of debt
Brandon Lovingier:and invest about 100,
Brandon Lovingier:5200 bucks a month starting now, and never
Brandon Lovingier:put any less than that, uh, away, then
Brandon Lovingier:you'll be a millionaire someday,
Brandon Lovingier:I would have been like, wait, hold on, say that again
Brandon Lovingier:slow. But whenever I
Brandon Lovingier:was younger, nobody told me that. The only thing I knew is that
Brandon Lovingier:I had the TSP because I was in the army. But the only
Brandon Lovingier:thing I got from the brief on it was that they were going to take money out of my
Brandon Lovingier:check. I was like, you're going to take money out of
Brandon Lovingier:my check? And then maybe it grows and I get it. Like, when
Brandon Lovingier:I'm like 60 something like, am I even going to be alive
Brandon Lovingier:then? Like, I don't. Yeah, I don't even know, man. Like, I'm getting ready to go to
Brandon Lovingier:war. Like, no, I need this money now.
Anthony Weaver:Like, because one of the things that,
Anthony Weaver:in your story, you mentioned that you started your roth
Anthony Weaver:with just dollar 50 a month, if I'm not mistaken.
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah.
Anthony Weaver:So how is it doing now?
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah, um. I haven't looked in a little bit, but,
Brandon Lovingier:um. Yeah, I think it's because I haven't
Brandon Lovingier:contributed to it for a long time now. But, uh, I think last time
Brandon Lovingier:I looked, I think there's $43,000 in there.
Anthony Weaver:Wow.
Brandon Lovingier:Um. Um. And, yeah, actually, it's
Brandon Lovingier:funny, I didn't even know. I didn't really know what a Roth
Brandon Lovingier:Ira was when I started it. It was just
Brandon Lovingier:literally at the end of a phone call,
Brandon Lovingier:the bank that I had, they did the
Brandon Lovingier:upsell kind of thing. Like, hey, by the way, we noticed
Brandon Lovingier:you don't have a, you know, x, y, and z or whatever. They would
Brandon Lovingier:always do that, especially mostly with, like, insurance stuff. Be like,
Brandon Lovingier:oh, hey, have you, uh. Do you happen to. Have.
Brandon Lovingier:We saw that you got married. Do you. Do you have a, you know,
Brandon Lovingier:whatever, you know,
Brandon Lovingier:wedding. Wedding, uh, set insurance, uh,
Brandon Lovingier:policy? I'm like, I don't. That's a thing. But anyway,
Brandon Lovingier:so. So that's how. That's how I started it.
Brandon Lovingier:And they just said, hey, you can just put $50 a month into it
Brandon Lovingier:and it'll grow tax free. And I was like, oh, that sounds.
Brandon Lovingier:You know, that sounds good. I was. I think I was. Yeah, I was deployed
Brandon Lovingier:at the time, and so I was, you know, kind of felt like I had a bunch
Brandon Lovingier:of, you know, like, extra money. I was, you know, felt like it was, you know, big
Brandon Lovingier:baller, you know, I was like, yeah, uh, $50. Yeah, no, no
Brandon Lovingier:problem. Yeah, yeah. And
Brandon Lovingier:so. And then I basically forgot about it.
Brandon Lovingier:Um. And, um. And then
Brandon Lovingier:when I went to transfer it, yeah, I was
Brandon Lovingier:surprised it was, like, 20, because this was after I kind of,
Brandon Lovingier:like, learned. Started learning about personal finance. I was like, yeah, I should probably
Brandon Lovingier:do something with that. Like, now that I know what it is, you know?
Brandon Lovingier:And, um, what year was this? That,
Brandon Lovingier:uh, when I transferred it, that would have been in
Brandon Lovingier:2018.
Anthony Weaver:Wow, so you've been in there for a while. Like, I'm just thinking
Anthony Weaver:of. Because roths are fairly new, so
Anthony Weaver:for you to have that amount, that's really good.
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah. And so when I transferred it, I think it
Brandon Lovingier:was right at $20,000. I forget it. Was
Brandon Lovingier:like 19, 800 something or whatever. I think I have it written
Brandon Lovingier:down somewhere. Um, and,
Brandon Lovingier:yeah, it's more, and I haven't
Brandon Lovingier:contributed any more to it since then
Brandon Lovingier:and it is over doubled. I don't do anything
Brandon Lovingier:with it. I just let it ride.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, and it all started with $50 a month.
Brandon Lovingier:And so that's one of those things is like,
Brandon Lovingier:you can't fight, do anything.
Brandon Lovingier:You can at least start with something if you can get
Brandon Lovingier:$50, even if you can't get
Brandon Lovingier:$50, you put 10,
Brandon Lovingier:20, 30, whatever, until you can start putting something
Brandon Lovingier:away. But, um, yeah, I mean, you can't
Brandon Lovingier:afford not to start is really like the big thing for
Brandon Lovingier:me.
Anthony Weaver:That's actually a good title for the show.
Anthony Weaver:You can't afford not to start.
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, actually that was, you know, I
Brandon Lovingier:don't, I don't run it anymore, but that was my,
Brandon Lovingier:the name of my, uh, my podcast that I had, you
Brandon Lovingier:know, uh, called start 100k. Um, and that was
Brandon Lovingier:kind of my whole idea. It's like if you just get started and then
Brandon Lovingier:just focus on getting to that 1st $100,000,
Brandon Lovingier:like, you'll build all the habits and all that kind of stuff. You
Brandon Lovingier:know, like just, you know, make it a smaller goal to start and then,
Brandon Lovingier:you know, from there, time will do its thing. So, um,
Brandon Lovingier:um, but, uh, uh, but yeah, so I
Brandon Lovingier:think I'm definitely a big one of like, hey, just, just get
Brandon Lovingier:started. It'll, it'll, you'll figure it out as you go.
Anthony Weaver:Yeah, as we got time, because I do want to dive
Anthony Weaver:into some of the perks of being in the
Anthony Weaver:military. Um, and also
Anthony Weaver:let's kind of bring it back to why did you even
Anthony Weaver:join the military in the first place?
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah. Um, as far as, like, joining the military,
Brandon Lovingier:funny, funny story about that. So,
Brandon Lovingier:um, I more or less, I just
Brandon Lovingier:didn't want to go to college.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, and I
Brandon Lovingier:mean, I didn't, I didn't, I knew I didn't want to stay where I was,
Brandon Lovingier:and I knew I didn't want to go to college because I was like, college is just
Brandon Lovingier:like, harder high school, but you have to pay for it. And
Brandon Lovingier:I was like, I hate going to
Brandon Lovingier:school. I was so ready to be done with
Brandon Lovingier:it. Um, and I was
Brandon Lovingier:smart. I was just as Henri.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, so I was like, well, okay, the
Brandon Lovingier:army says I can
Brandon Lovingier:go and, um, go
Brandon Lovingier:get a tech job, basically, which I more or less did.
Brandon Lovingier:I got into satellite communications is what, um, I
Brandon Lovingier:do, did buy trade. Um,
Brandon Lovingier:and so I'm like, okay, cool. So technology job. All
Brandon Lovingier:right. That makes family happy. And if
Brandon Lovingier:I decide to go to college, oh, by the way. Yep. Mom,
Brandon Lovingier:dad, they're going to pay for my college. So
Brandon Lovingier:that kind of was kind of like, the best compromise
Brandon Lovingier:for me is like, hey, I don't have to do any of the stuff that I don't want to
Brandon Lovingier:do. And everybody thinks that I'm going to have college. And so, like, all
Brandon Lovingier:right, cool, let's do this. Um,
Brandon Lovingier:and then I get in and they're like, hey, in order to get
Brandon Lovingier:promoted, um, you're going to need to start taking college classes.
Brandon Lovingier:And I was like, oh, man. Got me.
Anthony Weaver:He's okay. Get away from it.
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah. But, um, yeah, that was really the big driver.
Brandon Lovingier:I wish I could say, hey, yeah,
Brandon Lovingier:I really was inspired to go serve my country or
Brandon Lovingier:whatever. Uh, I mean, there's a component of that too now.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, but back then it was really just, I didn't, yeah,
Brandon Lovingier:I didn't want to, uh, I needed a good job
Brandon Lovingier:and I didn't want to go to college, though.
Anthony Weaver:Yeah. And you mentioned earlier about,
Anthony Weaver:like, having your child now. Mhm.
Anthony Weaver:And that you're married. Would you, like,
Anthony Weaver:be going forward and let your child choose military or
Anthony Weaver:will you give them better, like, m not better options, but other
Anthony Weaver:options out there in the world? Like, hey, you can actually do something
Anthony Weaver:else.
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah, no, I, yeah, I, um, I know exactly what
Brandon Lovingier:you mean. And, um, yeah, actually, my
Brandon Lovingier:wife and I have talked about that a lot. And,
Brandon Lovingier:um, the fact of the matter is, it's done a lot of
Brandon Lovingier:great things for me, a lot of
Brandon Lovingier:non tangible benefits. Um,
Brandon Lovingier:and
Brandon Lovingier:I guess, full disclosure, I was a recruiter for three and a half
Brandon Lovingier:years. So I've had these conversations with other
Brandon Lovingier:people and I
Brandon Lovingier:really developed a lot of gratitude for the
Brandon Lovingier:parents that were, um, you know, that
Brandon Lovingier:were open and willing to let their kids have a
Brandon Lovingier:conversation with me about what options they might
Brandon Lovingier:have in the military. Um, but I also took that really
Brandon Lovingier:seriously and I made sure and let them know,
Brandon Lovingier:like, hey, if I don't think this is right for you, or,
Brandon Lovingier:hey, your goals, like, yeah, you shouldn't enlist, you should
Brandon Lovingier:probably go to college and do RoTC or something
Brandon Lovingier:like that. Um, and there's some that I'm like, hey, look,
Brandon Lovingier:if you don't want to go to boot camp, if you don't want to deploy, like, hey,
Brandon Lovingier:don't do this. Because, yeah, that's, that's just part of the, you know, that's part
Brandon Lovingier:of the gig. Um, but yeah, I would be,
Brandon Lovingier:I would be very proud of my son, if that's, you know, a path that
Brandon Lovingier:he wanted to take. But if he wants to do something
Brandon Lovingier:else, hey, you know, as long as
Brandon Lovingier:he's doing something productive and he's a kind and caring person in the
Brandon Lovingier:world, that's, that's really our main goal.
Anthony Weaver:Yeah. And as, you know, you're
Anthony Weaver:aging, and all of us are aging,
Anthony Weaver:and, you know, you have your parents
Anthony Weaver:coming in. So, you know, as
Anthony Weaver:this, as you moving into this sandwich generation,
Anthony Weaver:how are you preparing your family
Anthony Weaver:to having those tough discussions again with
Anthony Weaver:bringing in the parents into your household, or do you want to
Anthony Weaver:put them into a home? Like, what do those conversations look
Anthony Weaver:like?
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah, those are, um. Yeah, because we're starting
Brandon Lovingier:to have some of those conversations. I mean,
Brandon Lovingier:my, um. Yeah, and it's a
Brandon Lovingier:little complicated because, like, on, on both
Brandon Lovingier:sides, like, we're, you know, our
Brandon Lovingier:biological parents are not together anymore. So, like, my
Brandon Lovingier:mom passed away, um, when she was 55. My dad's
Brandon Lovingier:since remarried. Um, my wife's parents, they split.
Brandon Lovingier:And, you know, her mom's remarried, and
Brandon Lovingier:so there's a lot of really complicated dynamics,
Brandon Lovingier:and I don't think that that's unique. I mean, I think a lot of
Brandon Lovingier:people have those types of situations.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, but, yeah, I mean, I, you know, we bring up
Brandon Lovingier:some of these conversations and it's, it's tricky because,
Brandon Lovingier:you know, like, I know my dad fairly
Brandon Lovingier:well, um, but, you know, I don't know his
Brandon Lovingier:wife all that well, and same with, you know, my,
Brandon Lovingier:you know, my, my, uh, my wife's, uh,
Brandon Lovingier:mom's husband or, you know, like, it's like,
Brandon Lovingier:you know, you kind of tiptoe around those, but eventually, like,
Brandon Lovingier:it's going to be a problem. Like, and we've kind of
Brandon Lovingier:discussed some of this, and just because of, you know, like, my
Brandon Lovingier:experience and, you know, going the, all the
Brandon Lovingier:estate planning courses and, like, all the different things that I know,
Brandon Lovingier:like, um, I kind of, like,
Brandon Lovingier:bring it up. Like, hey, by the way, if you
Brandon Lovingier:don't happen to have anything in place, this is what the
Brandon Lovingier:state will have happen if you don't have anything
Brandon Lovingier:else in place. So, like, you know, my dad, I'm like, hey,
Brandon Lovingier:technically, the way that, uh, the state splits it up, you know, us
Brandon Lovingier:kids get half, she gets half, and then we split the, you know, it's
Brandon Lovingier:like, that doesn't, that's not a good, I mean, we don't
Brandon Lovingier:have any ill will and, you know, we don't, we're not going to kick her out of the house,
Brandon Lovingier:but if something happens like, now we've got a mess on our
Brandon Lovingier:hands because now we got to unravel and do paperwork and do
Brandon Lovingier:all that kind of stuff. I don't know exactly, you know, the
Brandon Lovingier:process for that, but, you know, there is a process for that.
Brandon Lovingier:And, um, probably not very pretty.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, but then also too, like, like you mentioned, like,
Brandon Lovingier:long term care, things like that, those.
Brandon Lovingier:That's a, that's a whole other beast. And,
Brandon Lovingier:you know, trying to figure out,
Brandon Lovingier:um, you know,
Brandon Lovingier:uh, those tough conversations of,
Brandon Lovingier:like, I don't want to ask, but I got to ask, like,
Brandon Lovingier:are there. Is there any money? Is there not any money? If
Brandon Lovingier:there isn't any money, like, okay, then now we have to
Brandon Lovingier:kind of understand, like, your only hope is
Brandon Lovingier:Medicaid, and then what is that actually going to
Brandon Lovingier:cover? And, you know, so there's. I
Brandon Lovingier:mean, it's really. I mean, it's one of those where a lot of
Brandon Lovingier:people think that Social Security or, I mean, uh,
Brandon Lovingier:Social Security and Medicare are going to take
Brandon Lovingier:care of a lot of those kind of things, but they don't.
Brandon Lovingier:The only thing that really covers that is
Brandon Lovingier:Medicaid, and that's after you've done the
Brandon Lovingier:means testing and all that. So basically,
Brandon Lovingier:you have to liquidate most of your assets in order to
Brandon Lovingier:qualify. And so that's tough to watch,
Brandon Lovingier:um, because we've seen that happen with grandparents, and,
Brandon Lovingier:you know, it's really sad to see, you know, your
Brandon Lovingier:grandparents house go away or, you
Brandon Lovingier:know, see them have to get moved, you know, a couple different times
Brandon Lovingier:because of money issues. So, um. So, yeah, it is
Brandon Lovingier:something that, you know, we think about, and, um.
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah, it's a. It's a. It's a tough topic, but it's a really
Brandon Lovingier:important topic.
Anthony Weaver:Hopefully, the roth that you're building up will be able to, you
Anthony Weaver:know, buy the home so you don't have to worry about selling it at that
Anthony Weaver:point.
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah, yeah, I mean, that's,
Brandon Lovingier:um. I mean, that. That's something that, you know, we'll have
Brandon Lovingier:to. I guess we'll have to cross that bridge when we. When
Brandon Lovingier:we get there. Um, but, yeah,
Brandon Lovingier:in theory, I mean, there are quite a few protections for the
Brandon Lovingier:home, you know, itself,
Brandon Lovingier:but, um. Yeah,
Brandon Lovingier:it's. Yeah, I
Brandon Lovingier:don't. Yeah, I don't know the exact specifics of
Brandon Lovingier:exactly how that would look and all that,
Brandon Lovingier:but, um. And it really. It might depend, too,
Brandon Lovingier:on which one, you know, which one, uh, passes
Brandon Lovingier:first and all that. And, um.
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah, so it could get. Could get pretty difficult,
Brandon Lovingier:but, yeah, I mean, we're kind of, you know,
Brandon Lovingier:not like letting them
Brandon Lovingier:know necessarily, but you know, we're kind of more or less kind of
Brandon Lovingier:planning to have to kind of step in and
Brandon Lovingier:do some um, you know,
Brandon Lovingier:have to help out with a lot of that kind of stuff. And,
Brandon Lovingier:and even more importantly, um, really
Brandon Lovingier:thinking about the time aspect of it.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, and I think that's actually something
Brandon Lovingier:that we got to see firsthand
Brandon Lovingier:with my mom. My mom was in the hospital for
Brandon Lovingier:several months, um, and
Brandon Lovingier:so just seeing the time, a lot of family
Brandon Lovingier:stepped in to kind of help and we're all like,
Brandon Lovingier:obviously I couldn't take leave for that much time, but
Brandon Lovingier:my work was um, pretty flexible with
Brandon Lovingier:me. Um, and we just happen to live fairly
Brandon Lovingier:close. Um, but having that time
Brandon Lovingier:flexibility as you've got parents that are getting
Brandon Lovingier:older and have issues and stuff like that,
Brandon Lovingier:um, they might be in the hospital for a
Brandon Lovingier:while and have to have care
Brandon Lovingier:at the house and um, have mobility
Brandon Lovingier:issues. So those are things that I definitely think
Brandon Lovingier:about as ah, having that flexibility
Brandon Lovingier:to go and assist or
Brandon Lovingier:hey, what does that cost to have a nurse come by
Brandon Lovingier:once a week, whatever, you know. Um.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, yeah.
Anthony Weaver:Can you ballpark for that price? Because
Anthony Weaver:I know at least in Maryland I think it was
Anthony Weaver:around almost about a thousand or
Anthony Weaver:so just to kind of have a
Anthony Weaver:nurse there around the clock for about a week.
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah. You know, I actually don't know off the top of my head how
Brandon Lovingier:much that would cost. I'd have to, I'd have to price that out.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, probably should start looking into that. But um,
Brandon Lovingier:um, but yeah, I know it's not cheap. Um, um.
Brandon Lovingier:Cause yeah, I mean yeah,
Brandon Lovingier:you look at listings and stuff like that. I mean
Brandon Lovingier:nurses get paid fairly well and then the company
Brandon Lovingier:of course takes a cut. So whoever they work for is going to take
Brandon Lovingier:a pretty big cut. So I assume ah,
Brandon Lovingier:it's not going to be cheap. So probably, probably
Brandon Lovingier:costs more than my hourly wage. So.
Anthony Weaver:Um, just looked online, look uh,
Anthony Weaver:like@seniorliving.org has
Anthony Weaver:like a basic price down breakout.
Anthony Weaver:So they saying for the state of Maryland for home
Anthony Weaver:care uh, for about 8 hours is
Anthony Weaver:$195 and that's just
Anthony Weaver:for the day. So you know, you take
Anthony Weaver:that, you pay somebody's hourly wage
Anthony Weaver:like their living wage to come to your home
Anthony Weaver:and goes to the aspect of
Anthony Weaver:what you were talking about before, which is preparing yourself
Anthony Weaver:financially, uh, for this
Anthony Weaver:situation, especially if the parents can handle it or
Anthony Weaver:the medical,
Anthony Weaver:um, guess out of their life insurance,
Anthony Weaver:they can't cash those out if they got like a whole life that they can kind of
Anthony Weaver:dip into, um, because
Anthony Weaver:obviously you can't do that with term life, but whole life you can at least
Anthony Weaver:tap into. And then what
Anthony Weaver:does it all look like? And I think this
Anthony Weaver:is a great conversation to kind of
Anthony Weaver:start talking about, you know, our features and where we want
Anthony Weaver:to go with that, and which comes down
Anthony Weaver:to the third segment of the show, which is your
Anthony Weaver:futures, uh, talking about the skills and
Anthony Weaver:habits that you feel that will help take you to that next
Anthony Weaver:level.
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah, um, yeah. As far as the. I mean, the future
Brandon Lovingier:for, you know, for us. I mean, one of the biggest
Brandon Lovingier:things that I think about is
Brandon Lovingier:building up multiple streams of income
Brandon Lovingier:and then
Brandon Lovingier:how to convert those into
Brandon Lovingier:more long lasting assets and things like that.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, and what that looks like.
Brandon Lovingier:Um. I think I have a pretty unique, um,
Brandon Lovingier:perspective because,
Brandon Lovingier:um. Um, I have the
Brandon Lovingier:ability to look at people that are actually in
Brandon Lovingier:retirement and some of the issues and things that they're looking at.
Brandon Lovingier:So doing the pair planning and stuff like that, whenever I build
Brandon Lovingier:a financial plan and look through all that, run
Brandon Lovingier:scenarios for Roth conversions, all those
Brandon Lovingier:kinds of things, I get to see a lot of the
Brandon Lovingier:different issues that they're dealing with now. And then
Brandon Lovingier:I can apply that. If you ever read the book the seven
Brandon Lovingier:habits of highly effective people, that concept
Brandon Lovingier:begin with the end in mind. I'm like, okay, well,
Brandon Lovingier:if this is what it's going to look like at
Brandon Lovingier:the end, then I probably need to make a couple different
Brandon Lovingier:changes and things like that for what we're doing
Brandon Lovingier:now and need to make sure we're set up and all that. And
Brandon Lovingier:so I think I'm very blessed in
Brandon Lovingier:being able to have that perspective and then juxtapose
Brandon Lovingier:that with, I know all the things that I should have done
Brandon Lovingier:when I was younger. Um, and then I
Brandon Lovingier:can take that and go, okay, hey, you know,
Brandon Lovingier:person that, you know, like, young, young
Brandon Lovingier:version of me, please listen, like, you know, like grab,
Brandon Lovingier:you know, grab them by the shirt collar, like, hey, listen to
Brandon Lovingier:me. Like, um, and,
Brandon Lovingier:uh, try and get that across. And so that's
Brandon Lovingier:why. Part of the reason why I'm really
Brandon Lovingier:big on Roth and things like that.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, but then also, like I said, looking at different
Brandon Lovingier:streams of income and then what that's going to look
Brandon Lovingier:like. Um, just because
Brandon Lovingier:when you're accumulating and stuff like that, nobody talks about things
Brandon Lovingier:like required minimum distributions
Brandon Lovingier:or the widow's penalty or
Brandon Lovingier:different things like that. And so that can be,
Brandon Lovingier:um. Yeah, it can be something that you
Brandon Lovingier:really want to look at a little more carefully
Brandon Lovingier:as you. As you kind of build things up.
Anthony Weaver:Yeah. And it's good that you're
Anthony Weaver:talking about that now and looking
Anthony Weaver:back, because the whole reason why you created
Anthony Weaver:your platform, the enlisted money,
Anthony Weaver:is for that purpose, is to kind of help people kind
Anthony Weaver:of have those tough conversations early and make
Anthony Weaver:those adjustments early so they don't have to worry
Anthony Weaver:about digging deep in their
Anthony Weaver:feelings, have the logic already laid
Anthony Weaver:out, worry about your feelings later, and
Anthony Weaver:just make life happens. And I greatly appreciate
Anthony Weaver:what you're doing for the service members and
Anthony Weaver:also continuing to serve the community
Anthony Weaver:as best as you can. And I just thank you for your
Anthony Weaver:service.
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah, yeah, no, I appreciate that. And, yeah, that's
Brandon Lovingier:a, um, you know, that's kind of the idea. I'm hoping
Brandon Lovingier:that, um, basically creating everything that I wish
Brandon Lovingier:I would have read, consumed, and applied whenever I was younger. And
Brandon Lovingier:then, you know, I guess what
Brandon Lovingier:my. My goal with all that is, like, help people
Brandon Lovingier:solve that money equation
Brandon Lovingier:first and get that out of the way so then you
Brandon Lovingier:can work on the life stuff, like all the important stuff, like, I want
Brandon Lovingier:you to get to be who you were meant to be in life so
Brandon Lovingier:that you don't have the regrets that I do and have to fumble
Brandon Lovingier:through it and all that. And so I think if,
Brandon Lovingier:um, you know, I think there's plenty of us out there, you yourself included,
Brandon Lovingier:like, just trying to help people out. And I think as a
Brandon Lovingier:community, we can all come together, get
Brandon Lovingier:people where they need to be faster, so then we can
Brandon Lovingier:all make this place, like, so much better.
Brandon Lovingier:I really appreciate you.
Anthony Weaver:Thank you. Um, is there anything that you want to leave the
Anthony Weaver:audience before we dive into the final four questions?
Brandon Lovingier:Um, no. Uh, I think we kind
Brandon Lovingier:of hit it up. I mean, just with that, just
Brandon Lovingier:getting started is super, um, important.
Brandon Lovingier:And then also just
Brandon Lovingier:being okay with what my
Brandon Lovingier:system is doesn't have to look like this person's
Brandon Lovingier:system or that person's system, and you
Brandon Lovingier:don't have to have a huge income
Brandon Lovingier:to start making a huge impact in your
Brandon Lovingier:life.
Anthony Weaver:Definitely. I like that. Like that. Now, one of the things
Anthony Weaver:that we both say this is that
Anthony Weaver:personal finance is personal. And, you
Anthony Weaver:know, I hope that we actually get to hang out
Anthony Weaver:in Fincon this year. And
Anthony Weaver:definitely, I know you've been doing your thing with mill
Anthony Weaver:moneycon because, you know, congrats on your speaking
Anthony Weaver:engagement with them as well. Uh, man, you're doing
Anthony Weaver:a lot of great things. Anything like in the future that you plan
Anthony Weaver:on getting into?
Brandon Lovingier:Um, yeah. Um, I mean, the. I guess
Brandon Lovingier:the one cool thing I guess I can share with you. Yeah.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, I, ah, been selected as one of
Brandon Lovingier:the american, um, college of financial services
Brandon Lovingier:next gen financial professional
Brandon Lovingier:awardees. Um, so I'll be going to accept
Brandon Lovingier:that. Yeah, thanks. So I'll be going to accept that, um,
Brandon Lovingier:at, uh, the college's, uh, president's dinner in
Brandon Lovingier:November. Um. Um, but,
Brandon Lovingier:yeah, uh, that's kind of
Brandon Lovingier:neat. Um, but then the other big project that I'm
Brandon Lovingier:working on kind of near term, I don't know exactly
Brandon Lovingier:when I'll get it done, but I'm working on my book, uh,
Brandon Lovingier:enlist to. Well, and so, um, yeah,
Brandon Lovingier:basically, that is
Brandon Lovingier:basically, um, a book that I just want to be like, here, do these
Brandon Lovingier:things, and you'll never have to worry about money again.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, and so that's really, like, what I'm trying to
Brandon Lovingier:make. That book that I wish somebody had handed me whenever I
Brandon Lovingier:was 18, getting ready to leave for basic training.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, so, uh, those are kind of
Brandon Lovingier:like the two, like, biggest things like that,
Brandon Lovingier:but personal to me, really. It's just, um,
Brandon Lovingier:I'm getting ready to go, um, getting ready
Brandon Lovingier:for actual retirement from the army.
Brandon Lovingier:And so kind of been mentally processing
Brandon Lovingier:that. You've probably seen some of the articles and stuff like that. Kind of
Brandon Lovingier:just mentally processing that. And then also,
Brandon Lovingier:like, okay, hey, I've been planning for this, but
Brandon Lovingier:now it's real. I got the orders in hand, so now
Brandon Lovingier:it's time to bring it all together and
Brandon Lovingier:really, um, make it happen and nail that transition
Brandon Lovingier:out of the. Out of the army.
Anthony Weaver:Yeah. And I can't wait, uh, to see where
Anthony Weaver:you go because definitely, uh, want to do a follow up
Anthony Weaver:interview just to kind of see what does retirement actually look like for
Anthony Weaver:you. Uh, and then we can pull up this episode
Anthony Weaver:like, hey, you know, we talked about this.
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah. You and I
Brandon Lovingier:both are interested to see what it. What it looks like because, um,
Brandon Lovingier:yeah, right now, I. Not
Brandon Lovingier:100% sure. I mean, I've got, you know, because I've already got
Brandon Lovingier:my, uh, my business separate from, uh,
Brandon Lovingier:enlisted money. And so, like, that's my pair
Brandon Lovingier:planning and content writing business, and that does.
Brandon Lovingier:Well, it's been profitable from day one.
Brandon Lovingier:And so, um, the idea would be kind of
Brandon Lovingier:turn that up a little bit. Um, and there might
Brandon Lovingier:be. There might be some other stuff in the works. Um,
Brandon Lovingier:and so, uh, we'll see. Uh, but, yeah,
Brandon Lovingier:but I think to your point, yeah, I definitely want to
Brandon Lovingier:connect with you and other people like you at places like
Brandon Lovingier:Fincon and Mill Moneycon, and there's a couple other
Brandon Lovingier:conferences I haven't had to, had a chance to go to, like,
Brandon Lovingier:economy and, uh, places like that that I really want to
Brandon Lovingier:check out. They just seem like cool places, uh, to go
Brandon Lovingier:and meet, um, very interesting
Brandon Lovingier:people and kind people. And so that's really what
Brandon Lovingier:I just want to fill my life with, other cool and interesting
Brandon Lovingier:people.
Anthony Weaver:Awesome. All right, well, you ready for the final
Anthony Weaver:four?
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah, let's do it.
Anthony Weaver:All right.
Anthony Weaver:Number one, what does it wealth mean
Anthony Weaver:to you?
Brandon Lovingier:Wealth, to me, really,
Brandon Lovingier:just like the word
Brandon Lovingier:wealth, um, is
Brandon Lovingier:the, uh, accumulation of
Brandon Lovingier:your life's energy, um, and
Brandon Lovingier:what form that takes. And so, um,
Brandon Lovingier:to me, wealth is not just a money
Brandon Lovingier:thing, but, um, I would say it's
Brandon Lovingier:a sum of all the memories of you that are
Brandon Lovingier:collected within other people and other
Brandon Lovingier:entities around the world. Um, and so
Brandon Lovingier:that's kind of ties into, like,
Brandon Lovingier:for me, like, my goal is every person,
Brandon Lovingier:place, organization that I'm a part of. I want
Brandon Lovingier:to leave it better than whenever I got it. And so,
Brandon Lovingier:um, that's kind of how I think about a lot of the things
Brandon Lovingier:that I do, and I just try and become
Brandon Lovingier:better, uh, each day. So my personal mission
Brandon Lovingier:statement is perpetual improvement. So that's,
Brandon Lovingier:um, you know, when I think of the word wealth, that's what I really
Brandon Lovingier:think about as, um, I guess, you know, almost
Brandon Lovingier:legacy thinking about that, but also
Brandon Lovingier:too, um, but the money component of that
Brandon Lovingier:is important because that is
Brandon Lovingier:a catalyst for those other things. So,
Brandon Lovingier:um, you know, those. A lot of these aspirational things that
Brandon Lovingier:I want to do, they do take a little bit of money. So, um, so
Brandon Lovingier:I think there's a component of that, too.
Anthony Weaver:So true. Number two,
Anthony Weaver:what was your worst money mistake?
Brandon Lovingier:Um, you know, I would
Brandon Lovingier:say,
Brandon Lovingier:like, biggest single money, you know, like, worst
Brandon Lovingier:money mistake was. Was financing a brand new pickup
Brandon Lovingier:truck. Um, like, uh, so, which,
Brandon Lovingier:I mean, it was. I say that it's my worst and
Brandon Lovingier:best financial decision because that was
Brandon Lovingier:actually what got me to understand, like,
Brandon Lovingier:I'm spending a lot in interest. And that's what, you
Brandon Lovingier:know, kind of led me down the path to, you know, finding. I found
Brandon Lovingier:a personal, it still exists, but not the same, but
Brandon Lovingier:get rich slowly. I found that blog and reading through
Brandon Lovingier:there and then that led me to Dave Ramsey, which led me to
Brandon Lovingier:debt free, which then eventually, you know, just, you can kind of pull
Brandon Lovingier:on these breaks, I crumbs and see where it led. But at all,
Brandon Lovingier:really, that. That truck was kind of the catalyst for me, like,
Brandon Lovingier:going, hey, idiot, like, this is not, like, this
Brandon Lovingier:is not going to work long term. Like, you could almost bought
Brandon Lovingier:the truck you liked before in
Brandon Lovingier:cash, like, for what you're going to pay in interest. So I was like, yeah, this
Brandon Lovingier:is. That. Doesn't. That. Yeah. Doesn't compute,
Brandon Lovingier:Brandon. You've got to figure something out.
Anthony Weaver:Number three, what is your favorite?
Anthony Weaver:Financial or non financial?
Brandon Lovingier:Oh, that is, like,
Brandon Lovingier:I read so many books, and there's so many that I really,
Brandon Lovingier:really like.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, I
Brandon Lovingier:think I really come
Brandon Lovingier:back to, um, the seven habits of highly
Brandon Lovingier:effective people. Like, that one, it can
Brandon Lovingier:apply to so many different realms. Um, but I
Brandon Lovingier:think it's just one of those that's been really, really,
Brandon Lovingier:um, like, it's on my list of books that
Brandon Lovingier:every human being should read. Um,
Brandon Lovingier:so I think that one's a good one. But personal
Brandon Lovingier:finance books, if I could only pick one, um,
Brandon Lovingier:it'd probably. Probably, right now be the psychology of
Brandon Lovingier:money. Um, it's just, ah, really
Brandon Lovingier:digestible. And get those basic
Brandon Lovingier:concepts. How to think about it.
Anthony Weaver:Number four, what is your
Anthony Weaver:favorite dish to make?
Brandon Lovingier:Ooh, my favorite dish to make.
Brandon Lovingier:Let me think about that, because I like
Brandon Lovingier:barbecue. You might not know this. My first website I ever
Brandon Lovingier:made was a barbecue website. Really?
Anthony Weaver:No, I didn't know that.
Brandon Lovingier:So, yeah. Uh, my favorite dish
Brandon Lovingier:to make would be.
Brandon Lovingier:Hmm. Trying to think.
Brandon Lovingier:Actually, you know what? I'm gonna go with something a little bit different.
Brandon Lovingier:Um, so one of my favorite ones to share with people
Brandon Lovingier:is gravy and dumplings. Um,
Brandon Lovingier:gravy. Yeah. So instead of, like, biscuits
Brandon Lovingier:and gravy, um, you know, instead of, like,
Brandon Lovingier:you know, chicken and dumplings. So, you know, I make. I make. It's,
Brandon Lovingier:like, really thick, like sausage and
Brandon Lovingier:bacon gravy. And then put. You know, then put the biscuit
Brandon Lovingier:on top and then bake it. And so then you've got this layer of
Brandon Lovingier:biscuit. I mean, you cannot. You need a
Brandon Lovingier:nap after you eat it. But.
Brandon Lovingier:But, uh. Uh, but, yeah, no, it's a, uh. Yeah, that's probably my favorite
Brandon Lovingier:one to make for other people and share.
Anthony Weaver:All right, well, I definitely have to hit, uh,
Anthony Weaver:you up on that dish whenever you make
Anthony Weaver:it.
Brandon Lovingier:Uh, come on up.
Anthony Weaver:Right.
Brandon Lovingier:Just make sure you bring a pillow so you can take a nap afterwards,
Brandon Lovingier:so you're not safe to drive after.
Anthony Weaver:Well, I'll just stay at the hotel like I'm
Anthony Weaver:crash out.
Brandon Lovingier:There you go.
Anthony Weaver:There you go. All right, so the right last question of the
Anthony Weaver:show, which is, where can people find out more
Anthony Weaver:about you?
Brandon Lovingier:Yeah, I mean, really, um, my favorite way to connect
Brandon Lovingier:with people is through my newsletter. Um, you can just sign up
Brandon Lovingier:on, uh, enlistedmoney.com, but, um, if
Brandon Lovingier:you're on social media and stuff like that. All the links are
Brandon Lovingier:there as well. I'm probably the most active on, on
Brandon Lovingier:instagram. But, um. But, yeah, really, I love it
Brandon Lovingier:whenever, you know, people jump on the newsletter and reply to
Brandon Lovingier:something I wrote or whatnot. And, yeah, it's
Brandon Lovingier:a, uh, I've had a lot of really wonderful conversations with people there, so
Brandon Lovingier:I really like that.
Anthony Weaver:Thanks. Yeah, I'll definitely have to sign up for it after this
Anthony Weaver:interview and, uh, see what you're
Anthony Weaver:talking about over there.
Brandon Lovingier:All right. Look forward to it.
Anthony Weaver:Yeah. Uh, is there, quote?
Anthony Weaver:By all means. I mean, first off, I just want to thank you
Anthony Weaver:again, Brandon, for your time, for your service,
Anthony Weaver:and for everything that you're doing for the community, the financial
Anthony Weaver:community. Because again, we
Anthony Weaver:gotta start having more open discussions
Anthony Weaver:about our finances so that we can continue to build
Anthony Weaver:that confidence within ourselves and with our family
Anthony Weaver:and friends, so that we all,
Anthony Weaver:ah, can just enjoy life and know that
Anthony Weaver:life is more about money. But this
Anthony Weaver:topic is always coming up, so let's
Anthony Weaver:have some confidence around the discussion. And I want to
Anthony Weaver:continue on to bring more content like this
Anthony Weaver:to you all. So please make sure you like and
Anthony Weaver:subscribe because this is very important for the
Anthony Weaver:show and it's free for you to do so that we can have
Anthony Weaver:on more guests like Brandon and so many
Anthony Weaver:others. And I just want to thank you all for your time. Y'all have a
Anthony Weaver:good one. Be out. Peace.