Episode 273

Published on:

30th Oct 2024

273: [Myles Youngblood] Building a Brand Beyond The Ordinary

Myles Youngblood's entrepreneurial journey and the lessons learned from early failures. The evolution of "Beyond Ordinary" and its focus on highlighting unconventional paths to success. The significance of building a remote business and the benefits it offers. Insights into maximizing social media platforms for business growth, particularly Instagram and LinkedIn. The importance of following one's passion and knowing when to pivot in business. Strategies for maintaining focus and overcoming the challenges of entrepreneurship.

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00:00:00 - Introduction

00:02:30 - Welcoming Myles Youngblood

00:05:00 - Myles' Early Entrepreneurial Ventures

00:10:45 - Launching "Beyond Ordinary" Podcast

00:15:20 - Building a Remote Business Model

00:20:30 - Leveraging Social Media Platforms

00:25:00 - The Role of Passion in Entrepreneurship

00:30:15 - Strategies for Maintaining Focus

00:35:45 - Final Four Questions

00:45:00 - Closing Remarks

Discover more about Myles Youngblood and his journey:

Instagram: https://instagram.com/mylesyoungbloodtv 


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DISCLAIMER: The content in this audio is for educational purposes only. Conduct your own research and make the best choice for you. If you need advice, contact a qualified professional.

Episode 273

Myles Youngblood:

So after that, like, I graduated and

Myles Youngblood:

I was just trying to hustle, just do different things. Like I started

Myles Youngblood:

a drop shipping store. Didn't work. I

Myles Youngblood:

tried day trading. That didn't work. What I mean, didn't

Myles Youngblood:

work. I'm talking about, like I'm losing thousands of dollars, tens of thousands

Myles Youngblood:

of dollars, like just trying to just figure it out, you

Myles Youngblood:

know, almost, uh, did Amazon, fba.

Myles Youngblood:

Thank God I didn't do that. Because the startup, to

Myles Youngblood:

buy all that inventory and then basically pray that you sell

Myles Youngblood:

it is. Yeah, it's a big

Myles Youngblood:


Anthony Weaver:

Welcome everybody, back to another exciting show of the about

Anthony Weaver:

that Wallet podcast, where we help you build strong financial

Anthony Weaver:

habits so that you can have that

Anthony Weaver:

confidence when you talking about money, spending money,

Anthony Weaver:

and even making money. And I have an awesome guest that's coming

Anthony Weaver:

on that is going to be talking about, you

Anthony Weaver:

know, starting the business, how he got started, and actually

Anthony Weaver:

how he takes brands to that new level and also

Anthony Weaver:

take yourself to that new level to help the others people in

Anthony Weaver:

the world. And I, uh, have to bring on

Anthony Weaver:

Myles Youngblood. How you doing today,

Anthony Weaver:


Myles Youngblood:

Man, I'm feeling good, I'm feeling great. I can't complain.

Myles Youngblood:

How are you doing today?

Anthony Weaver:

Uh, it's a, it's a Saturday. It's

Anthony Weaver:

another day, man.

Myles Youngblood:

I know, Another day, another podcast. That's why I've been putting on my

Myles Youngblood:

Instagram story, man.

Anthony Weaver:

Yeah. And you've been doing quite a bit in the podcast

Anthony Weaver:

realm. I want to congratulate you on your

Anthony Weaver:

stride and keep moving beyond, you know, the

Anthony Weaver:

typical three episodes that most people have out there.

Myles Youngblood:

So appreciate it, man. Like

Myles Youngblood:

they, they would say that 90% of, uh, podcasters don't

Myles Youngblood:

make it past episode three, and then 90% of them don't make it

Myles Youngblood:

past episode. I think it was like 20 or something like that. And,

Myles Youngblood:

uh, I hit, I think episode 22 or 23

Myles Youngblood:

like the other day. So congrats, sticking it out.

Myles Youngblood:

Appreciate it. Appreciate it.

Anthony Weaver:

Yeah. How far do you want to take this thing,

Anthony Weaver:


Myles Youngblood:


Myles Youngblood:

I want to take it pretty far. I really

Myles Youngblood:

do. I really want Beyond Ordinary to

Myles Youngblood:

really be one of those ones. And for those that don't know that, I have,

Myles Youngblood:

I, uh, have a podcast. It's called Beyond Ordinary.

Myles Youngblood:

Uh, it's connecting with great people, doing great things, inspire this to do

Myles Youngblood:

the same. And it highlights, uh, a lot

Myles Youngblood:

about entrepreneurship and, uh, the different facets

Myles Youngblood:

of entrepreneurship. Right. So I did an

Myles Youngblood:

interview with somebody last week. He was

Myles Youngblood:

a, he, he was a party promoter and he does that

Myles Youngblood:

full time. You know what I mean? Like I've known him for, for a very long time.

Myles Youngblood:

I've known him for like five years. So I've kind of seen his evolution,

Myles Youngblood:

which is why I wanted him on the show. Uh, but, you

Myles Youngblood:

know, some people might not see that party promotion being

Myles Youngblood:

a viable income and he was able to do it. Uh, so I have

Myles Youngblood:

stock traders, poker players, like, you know, a lot of non

Myles Youngblood:

traditional, uh, ways of making money. And that's when I want

Myles Youngblood:

to show people and inspire people to

Myles Youngblood:

know, do something outside of the regular 9

Myles Youngblood:

to 5. So to get to your original question, in terms of

Myles Youngblood:

where I'm trying to take it, I'm really trying to have my show be,

Myles Youngblood:

you know, one of those ones really like a modern

Myles Youngblood:

wisdom podcast or like a Diary of a CEO podcast, like a

Myles Youngblood:

really very high, um, quality

Myles Youngblood:

podcast with high quality guests. Uh, and that's

Myles Youngblood:

just going to come with time and putting in the

Myles Youngblood:

reps and uh, just. Yeah,

Myles Youngblood:

that's it. Just hard work. Putting the reps. Yeah.

Anthony Weaver:

Because, I mean, I saw you've been putting in the reps and actually

Anthony Weaver:

being able to meet you for the first time at Podcast

Anthony Weaver:

Movement. I mean it was awesome to see you there

Anthony Weaver:

and making your connections, making your rounds and meetings up with

Anthony Weaver:

some of the great podcasters that are out there. Was there

Anthony Weaver:

anybody that stuck out the most to you that you met

Anthony Weaver:


Myles Youngblood:

You'Re at Podcast Movement, did anybody

Myles Youngblood:

stick out the most? I mean, it was just so many

Myles Youngblood:

great people that I met. There

Myles Youngblood:

wasn't anyone in particular. I, uh, know I met this one

Myles Youngblood:

guy named, uh, Taco. He actually lives out in

Myles Youngblood:

D.C. and I remember like me, and we're chopping it up, he

Myles Youngblood:

has his own show and he was telling me that, hey, like I shoot at the

Myles Youngblood:

studio, you can, you know, um, you know, check him

Myles Youngblood:

out. And that's actually the studio where I've been shooting at

Myles Youngblood:

recently. Uh, and it's actually around the corner from my house

Myles Youngblood:

too. It's, it's very convenient.

Myles Youngblood:

So really just making those

Myles Youngblood:

connections. And that's one thing I loved about Podcast

Myles Youngblood:

Movement is I was able to make a lot of

Myles Youngblood:

connections. Like, I know a lot of people go to these conferences and you

Myles Youngblood:

might, you know, be there, talk to somebody and then once

Myles Youngblood:

you leave the conference, like, you know, you don't really speak to them. But that

Myles Youngblood:

really isn't the case. I met up with, um, there's this woman

Myles Youngblood:

named Bree at ah, vid Summit and we've been,

Myles Youngblood:

um, which was like, what? I think two weeks after that,

Myles Youngblood:

we chopped it up. We still Talk on Instagram,

Myles Youngblood:

um, at Jamal. He's actually about to come on my

Myles Youngblood:

show to talk about, you know, mental health and corporate and stuff like

Myles Youngblood:

that. And there's like some other people that I've been meaning to,

Myles Youngblood:

to tap in with. Um, over the coming days.

Myles Youngblood:

I met, uh, another guy named Corey. He actually put me

Myles Youngblood:

in touch with his, uh, podcast

Myles Youngblood:

network, uh, the owner of his podcast

Myles Youngblood:

network. So I got a call with a call with him. So I've

Myles Youngblood:

really been just, uh, blessed and fortunate to be

Myles Youngblood:

able to meet a lot of, uh, quality

Myles Youngblood:

individuals, uh, through podcasting. And that's probably

Myles Youngblood:

been the best part and rewarding part. For real.

Anthony Weaver:

Yeah. Because I mean you started this thing not too long

Anthony Weaver:

ago and, but in 2020

Anthony Weaver:

you finished and coming through the pandemic.

Anthony Weaver:

But also your dad was an entrepreneur. What

Anthony Weaver:

made you follow his footsteps in that entrepreneurship?

Myles Youngblood:

Man, just seeing my dad just be

Myles Youngblood:

able to have his own schedule and not necessarily

Myles Youngblood:

live a, uh, traditional 9 to 5 life

Myles Youngblood:

really helped me see that there's other

Myles Youngblood:

ways of making money, there's other ways of living. So I was like,

Myles Youngblood:

okay, that's what I wanted to do. So for the longest

Myles Youngblood:

time I didn't know what I was going to do. I went to school for business. I

Myles Youngblood:

graduated Howard University with a degree in

Myles Youngblood:

finance. Unfortunately, I found out that it was

Myles Youngblood:

corporate finance, which is not what I really wanted to do. And by the time

Myles Youngblood:

I realized I was like, oh, this isn't what I thought this was going to

Myles Youngblood:

be, I was like halfway through my junior year already. So I was, all right, I'm going to just

Myles Youngblood:

stick it up. So after that, like I

Myles Youngblood:

graduated and I was just trying to hustle, just do

Myles Youngblood:

different things. Like I started a drop shipping

Myles Youngblood:

store. Didn't work. I tried day

Myles Youngblood:

trading. That didn't work. What I mean, didn't work. I'm talking about

Myles Youngblood:

like I'm losing thousands of dollars, tens of thousands of dollars,

Myles Youngblood:

like just trying to just figure it out, you know, uh,

Myles Youngblood:

almost did Amazon, fba. Thank God I didn't do

Myles Youngblood:

that because the startup, to buy all that

Myles Youngblood:

inventory and then basically pray that you sell it

Myles Youngblood:

is, yeah, it's a big commitment. Uh,

Myles Youngblood:

but I didn't do that. And so what I ended up starting, I

Myles Youngblood:

started my own agency to help influencers

Myles Youngblood:

and content creators, podcasters, expand, um, their

Myles Youngblood:

reach and brand through short form content. So a lot of my

Myles Youngblood:

clients, they've been on YouTube for a very long time. And

Myles Youngblood:

when YouTube came out with YouTube shorts, they didn't necessarily know

Myles Youngblood:

what to do. And so I Was like, okay, I could

Myles Youngblood:

help them repurpose all this content. So I go in and

Myles Youngblood:

I take the long form content, cut it up, put into shorts. I have

Myles Youngblood:

a team that is really good at what they do. Uh, and then

Myles Youngblood:

we posted forum on all platforms because you never

Myles Youngblood:

want to pigeonhole yourself to just, you know, one platform.

Myles Youngblood:

And that's what I do, um, for myself. I'm sure

Myles Youngblood:

you've seen, uh, my Instagram reels. I post those every

Myles Youngblood:

single day. Uh, and it's really helped grow

Myles Youngblood:

my channel and my Instagram. I know, uh, I'm

Myles Youngblood:

starting small now, but those compounding effects

Myles Youngblood:

after, you know, a year, two years of doing

Myles Youngblood:

it, it's going to be incredible. So.

Anthony Weaver:

Yeah, and one of the things that I'm curious

Anthony Weaver:

of is why did you take the digital

Anthony Weaver:

route for entrepreneurship instead of the physical

Anthony Weaver:

route, like how your dad does.

Myles Youngblood:

That's a great question. That's a great question. So

Myles Youngblood:

it's, it's 2024, you know what I

Myles Youngblood:

mean? Like, it's so many, we have so many

Myles Youngblood:

different ways that we can make money outside of

Myles Youngblood:

the traditional way. And what I didn't want to do

Myles Youngblood:

was pigeonhole myself

Myles Youngblood:

and uh, to a particular

Myles Youngblood:

location. So one idea I actually was thinking,

Myles Youngblood:

was thinking about was doing like an atm, uh,

Myles Youngblood:

business. And I remember I ran it by one of my friends

Myles Youngblood:

and he was telling me it was like, bro, like at like you could probably make some good money,

Myles Youngblood:

but the thing is you don't want to have to, I would have to get

Myles Youngblood:

a car, I'd have to, you know, go to these

Myles Youngblood:

different locations. Obviously vandalism. I live in

Myles Youngblood:

the city, so they, I guarantee they're going to get, be

Myles Youngblood:

vandalized and stuff like that. So

Myles Youngblood:

I, I was like, you know what, let me just uh, let

Myles Youngblood:

me find a way to make money

Myles Youngblood:

online. And by doing that, it allows

Myles Youngblood:

me to hire staff that

Myles Youngblood:

isn't in my local area. So I

Myles Youngblood:

would have never been able to hire the great staff that I have

Myles Youngblood:

now. If I had a local business, you know,

Myles Youngblood:

I'd be kind of handcuffed and I didn't want to necessarily handcuff

Myles Youngblood:

my business.

Anthony Weaver:

So that's a smart way of doing it. And plus you came

Anthony Weaver:

out during the pandemic, so everybody was

Anthony Weaver:

already coming through with that

Anthony Weaver:

innovative, like, hey, it's okay to do everything remotely.

Anthony Weaver:

It's instead of the face to face, brick and

Anthony Weaver:

mortar style, um, companies.

Anthony Weaver:

So when you came out, like, even the job market

Anthony Weaver:

during that time frame was all remote. So, you

Anthony Weaver:

know, working in person is that

Anthony Weaver:

Something that you still work remotely

Anthony Weaver:

or is this still. This is your business full

Anthony Weaver:


Myles Youngblood:

So I don't do my business full time. Not, uh,

Myles Youngblood:

yet. Uh, that's going to come very soon. But I

Myles Youngblood:

have been. I always tell people

Myles Youngblood:

that graduating in 2020 was a blessing and

Myles Youngblood:

a curse in disguise. And the reason why I say that

Myles Youngblood:

is because. What?

Myles Youngblood:

Well, one, like it does suck that I didn't get my

Myles Youngblood:

graduation. I never walked across the stage. I put in four years

Myles Youngblood:

at Howard, dragged me through my m. Administration, all uh,

Myles Youngblood:

the whole nine yard just for, you know, march to come and have them put

Myles Youngblood:

me off campus. I was also pledging at the time. We were supposed to have

Myles Youngblood:

our, uh, you know, our day where we come out, show the

Myles Youngblood:

campus who we are. And I was looking forward to it because I was like, damn,

Myles Youngblood:

like, I'm finally going to get my time back. Like, and it's gonna be my

Myles Youngblood:

senior year. And I'm not gonna lie. Like, when I

Myles Youngblood:

went home, I just,

Myles Youngblood:

man, it was almost like a gut punch. Like, damn.

Myles Youngblood:

Like this, like I'm on lockdown. I was supposed to have the funnest time

Myles Youngblood:

of my life. I didn't get to say bye to a lot of my friends.

Myles Youngblood:

Even to this day. There are people that I haven't seen since like

Myles Youngblood:

I graduated. But the reason why I say that

Myles Youngblood:

it's uh, it was a blessing is because

Myles Youngblood:

since then I think I started working

Myles Youngblood:

that like summer, like June, July ish,

Myles Youngblood:

and summer to today, I've been fully

Myles Youngblood:

remote. I've never had to go into a

Myles Youngblood:

corporate office. The only time I've ever had to go into the corporate office

Myles Youngblood:

is if they like, hey, oh, we need you to like do fingerprints

Myles Youngblood:

or whatever or oh, I need a new laptop. So I went

Myles Youngblood:

to the facility and they gave me a new laptop and stuff like

Myles Youngblood:

that. But in terms of someone being like, hey, Myles we need you to be in the

Myles Youngblood:

office so that way you can do work. I've never had to do that.

Myles Youngblood:

And that has allowed me so much

Myles Youngblood:

flexibility to be able to do

Myles Youngblood:

my business, do my podcast. Like, it would be almost

Myles Youngblood:

virtually impossible for me to do what

Myles Youngblood:

I do now if I had to go into a

Myles Youngblood:

corporate office.

Anthony Weaver:

Yeah, that makes sense. So now that you got your strategies,

Anthony Weaver:

your SOPs and um, your

Anthony Weaver:

processes that are set up so that you can actually

Anthony Weaver:

maintain the remote aspect

Anthony Weaver:

when it comes to helping out like your friends

Anthony Weaver:

or something like that. Are your friends also doing this? Because like

Anthony Weaver:

they say your a reflection of the five people that

Anthony Weaver:

you hang around. Are your friends also in entrepreneurship or

Anthony Weaver:

they just stick with the nine to five.

Myles Youngblood:

Uh, so I, I really only have one close friend

Myles Youngblood:

that has, uh, well, I, I, one

Myles Youngblood:

of my fraternity brothers, he's a photographer and he honestly is, is really

Myles Youngblood:

good and he's, he's made some decent money doing that.

Myles Youngblood:

Uh, but I've had conversations with him. He says that he still

Myles Youngblood:

wants to go to law school and stuff like that, and he doesn't want to, you

Myles Youngblood:

know, go full time as a photographer. I've been trying to push him,

Myles Youngblood:

um, over the years. I'll probably get to him one of these days. But I do have a

Myles Youngblood:

friend that also has his own content agency,

Myles Youngblood:

um, helping influencers, YouTubers and stuff like that.

Myles Youngblood:

So me and him been kind of bouncing ideas off of each other, talking

Myles Youngblood:

about, you know, hey, like, like what do you think about this

Myles Youngblood:

outreach group? He literally texted me yesterday talking about, hey, like I was supposed to

Myles Youngblood:

have a meeting with this person. Like, this was the text. Like,

Myles Youngblood:

you know, I'm saying, just bouncing ideas off each other. But I

Myles Youngblood:

will say that,

Myles Youngblood:

um, it's

Myles Youngblood:

just, it's hard. It's

Myles Youngblood:

hard. Entrepreneurship is hard and there's not too many people doing

Myles Youngblood:

it. And I've been telling myself, like, right now I'm kind

Myles Youngblood:

of in what I consider my lonely chapter because I

Myles Youngblood:

feel like a lot of the things that, you know, I've been going

Myles Youngblood:

through over the last year, like, I feel like a lot of people can't, just can't

Myles Youngblood:

relate. Uh, and I'm just, uh, I've,

Myles Youngblood:

I've kind of just had to make peace with the fact

Myles Youngblood:

that I'm not going to be able to relate

Myles Youngblood:

to, uh, a lot of people. I don't have like

Myles Youngblood:

a traditional lifestyle that a lot of people do. I really

Myles Youngblood:

wish I could just, you know, close my laptop at

Myles Youngblood:

5:00 and then kind of just like chill for the rest of the day. But

Myles Youngblood:

like, no, if, if, if I'm not doing my nine to five,

Myles Youngblood:

then, then I'm doing con, then I'm helping my editors do

Myles Youngblood:

content for the, for the podcast, booking guests, stuff like that. And if

Myles Youngblood:

I'm not doing that, then I'm trying to find new clients for my business

Myles Youngblood:

is literally a, uh, 2447 thing,

Myles Youngblood:

for sure.

Anthony Weaver:

Yeah, definitely. And I can relate to you

Anthony Weaver:

because podcasting, I'm always thinking about who's the next guest,

Anthony Weaver:

what I'm gonna put for the show, notes. And as we talked offline a

Anthony Weaver:

little bit, talking about the blogging piece of it, trying to add that

Anthony Weaver:

extra content in there. Um, and on top of

Anthony Weaver:

that, like you said, the short form content is becoming

Anthony Weaver:

key because Instagram just now allowing people to

Anthony Weaver:

upload what, three minutes worth of content now for

Anthony Weaver:

the reels. Yeah, that's good.

Myles Youngblood:

That's good. We noticed that.

Anthony Weaver:

Yeah. And so since you've been doing this for

Anthony Weaver:

a while, SEO is kind of one of those hot

Anthony Weaver:

topics. What is something

Anthony Weaver:

that people can do to kind of increase the

Anthony Weaver:

SEO presence on the short form?

Myles Youngblood:

I have somebody that pitches me SEO almost like every

Myles Youngblood:

other week. Literally

Myles Youngblood:

somebody like, did it, like they'll send me a screenshot

Myles Youngblood:

and all this other stuff. Um, but what I use, I

Myles Youngblood:

use Vidiq. Uh, I've been meaning to

Myles Youngblood:

put on my to do list to kind of like utilize

Myles Youngblood:

that. Um, so I've really just been

Myles Youngblood:

using Vidiq, Chad, gbt, like using

Myles Youngblood:

different AI softwares for, you

Myles Youngblood:

know, descriptions and SEO. Um,

Myles Youngblood:

in terms of doing it specifically for short form content,

Myles Youngblood:

I would say SEO is mainly for the long form content

Myles Youngblood:

because shorts, like the bulk, like

Myles Youngblood:

I would say 80 to 90% of how your short is going to get discovered

Myles Youngblood:

is just from the shorts feed, like the browse, uh, browse feed.

Myles Youngblood:

So it's more so, not necessarily about, let me

Myles Youngblood:

make this title so optimized. It's more so making

Myles Youngblood:

sure that the first three seconds of your

Myles Youngblood:

video hooks the watchers and you get

Myles Youngblood:

that 90, 100%,

Myles Youngblood:

um, retention on your shorts.

Myles Youngblood:

That's the main key for the short form content.

Anthony Weaver:

What platform seems to be your favorite?

Myles Youngblood:

Platform seems to be my favorite. In

Myles Youngblood:

terms of what? Just posting or being on.

Anthony Weaver:

Or just posting, being on, whatever. Like, because you,

Anthony Weaver:

most people say like, oh, maybe I should start

Anthony Weaver:

my business and start doing videos on Instagram.

Anthony Weaver:

Some people say, let me start doing LinkedIn. Let me see if

Anthony Weaver:

I could do tick tock or,

Anthony Weaver:

um, even X, or even just Facebook

Anthony Weaver:

solely though, out of those

Anthony Weaver:

different platforms of the big ones.

Myles Youngblood:


Anthony Weaver:

Which one is your favorite?

Myles Youngblood:

Uh, well, I guess this has to

Myles Youngblood:

be my favorite by default because I use it the most is, uh,

Myles Youngblood:

Instagram. And I think if I had to

Myles Youngblood:

literally only pick one platform and grow off of it, probably

Myles Youngblood:

Instagram. And mainly because not only does have the short form

Myles Youngblood:

content, but you could also like DM people on there

Myles Youngblood:

as well. Uh, it's just such a shareable

Myles Youngblood:

and personable platform. They, uh, got their

Myles Youngblood:

stories as well. So I would, uh,

Myles Youngblood:

Instagram has definitely been, uh, my bread and butter. And it's

Myles Youngblood:

not necessarily a surprise that Instagram right Now is

Myles Youngblood:

my second biggest platform behind my

Myles Youngblood:

YouTube um, but one thing I've been trying to

Myles Youngblood:

utilize recently was, is, uh, actually

Myles Youngblood:

LinkedIn. I've been posting my content over, over on

Myles Youngblood:

LinkedIn. And one thing that I liked about LinkedIn, I

Myles Youngblood:

gotta check to see if I think it. It's for the mobile

Myles Youngblood:

too. Is, uh, you. They have like a clickable

Myles Youngblood:

link. So I'll put the short. And then I'll also put

Myles Youngblood:

a link to, to the full content for anybody that

Myles Youngblood:

wants to, um, go over there. And I've

Myles Youngblood:

had, I've had LinkedIn for a very long time too. So I was like,

Myles Youngblood:

you know, there's like, if I have a LinkedIn with I think like what,

Myles Youngblood:

800 connections, I might as well utilize that.

Myles Youngblood:

And, and uh, I'm. Because not. I literally

Myles Youngblood:

just started getting on LinkedIn probably like last week

Myles Youngblood:

and one, uh, of. And there's. Because

Myles Youngblood:

I'm at Howard, anybody that guys Howard in their bio, I just accept

Myles Youngblood:

them, uh, automatically. You know what I mean? So there's plenty of people that

Myles Youngblood:

like, I have like, in my network that don't necessarily like,

Myles Youngblood:

personally know like that. But this, uh, there's one,

Myles Youngblood:

there's one girl, she was like, hey, like, you should probably

Myles Youngblood:

interview like so and so. And you know, I was like,

Myles Youngblood:

okay, cool. So I went to his profile. I'm like, oh, he's cool. He talks about

Myles Youngblood:

like, you know, sales, like funnel sales funnels and

Myles Youngblood:

utilizing AI and stuff. And that's something I'm interested in. And I, you

Myles Youngblood:

know, tried funnels myself. Not that great at it. So I was

Myles Youngblood:

like, let me, let me have him on the podcast. So like that,

Myles Youngblood:

not that once that happened, I was like, oh, you know, there's some

Myles Youngblood:

value being on LinkedIn, so let me do that. And also,

Myles Youngblood:

um, a lot of my guests are kind of older,

Myles Youngblood:

like, and so when I like, a lot of them

Myles Youngblood:

don't really have like Instagram. So I've been

Myles Youngblood:

just like, I saw. I've been getting back on LinkedIn, adding them on

Myles Youngblood:

LinkedIn, you know, tagging them and stuff like that, helping, um, you

Myles Youngblood:

know, them reposting, uh, the, the, you know,

Myles Youngblood:

the promotion of the episode and stuff too. So I look

Myles Youngblood:

forward to seeing how LinkedIn goes, uh, moving forward

Myles Youngblood:

for sure.

Anthony Weaver:

Yeah. And um, one of the things that, as we slide

Anthony Weaver:

on over to the third segment, which is the futures

Anthony Weaver:

and one of the things that you're constantly doing

Anthony Weaver:

is trying out different things and not giving up, but when

Anthony Weaver:

it comes to giving up, you know when to quit.

Anthony Weaver:

How do you know when you had enough of

Anthony Weaver:

trying something before you move on to something else,

Anthony Weaver:

I would say.

Myles Youngblood:

From a general

Myles Youngblood:

standpoint that. And

Myles Youngblood:

this isn't even necessarily my words, I follow this guy

Myles Youngblood:

named Alex Somozi, great business content. And

Myles Youngblood:

he said that you should only give up if something

Myles Youngblood:

fundamentally changes. And what he means by that is, like,

Myles Youngblood:

if you. He gave the example of if you

Myles Youngblood:

aren't trying to, like, scale newspapers,

Myles Youngblood:

you should. And you see that the newspaper market

Myles Youngblood:

is actually declining by like 25% year

Myles Youngblood:

over year, just as people go digital. And that's a fundamental

Myles Youngblood:

change in the market. So you should probably pivot.

Myles Youngblood:

So that's a general answer now in terms of me.

Myles Youngblood:

Uh, so I actually originally,

Myles Youngblood:

actually made a post about this on Instagram,

Myles Youngblood:

uh, for a national podcast. I didn't originally intend go

Myles Youngblood:

into 2024 wanting to do a podcast.

Myles Youngblood:

I was going to do a whole bunch of other stuff, and I was

Myles Youngblood:

actually going to do pivot business models, because

Myles Youngblood:

my business model is done for you, and I, uh,

Myles Youngblood:

want to do a little more done with you. So I paid for this

Myles Youngblood:

program with thousands of dollars. Whatever. Uh, I was going

Myles Youngblood:

to, like, help accountants for some weird reason or

Myles Youngblood:

whatever. And part of that program, they wanted me to, like, run ads and

Myles Youngblood:

do content with those ads. I'm like, cool, whatever.

Myles Youngblood:

And, um, they

Myles Youngblood:

was. They were like, hey, like, you should probably,

Myles Youngblood:

like, do podcast interviews with your clients, so that way, like,

Myles Youngblood:

you can use that social proof. So I was like, cool, whatever. Let me

Myles Youngblood:

give this a try. So, literally, first

Myles Youngblood:

episode on my podcast, I did it on Zoom.

Myles Youngblood:

This is when I was still trying to do that accounting,

Myles Youngblood:

you know, thing or whatever. And, uh, I

Myles Youngblood:

wasn't really. I would say that I wasn't really taking the podcast seriously

Myles Youngblood:

because I was doing it for that program. It wasn't like I was actually trying to

Myles Youngblood:

scale podcasts, right? But one day I

Myles Youngblood:

was, um, again, shout out to Alex Ramosi. He was

Myles Youngblood:

talking about, okay, like, if what you want happens,

Myles Youngblood:

happens, then what? And what I interpreted him by

Myles Youngblood:

that is like, if, like, the best case scenario happens, like, what

Myles Youngblood:

does that look like? And so I was like, all right, cool. So let me stop. Stop and think.

Myles Youngblood:

I was like, all right, well, I'll be making a lot of money. You know, I'm saying six,

Myles Youngblood:

seven figures, working with accountants. I'd, uh,

Myles Youngblood:

be talking to these type of people. And I have to

Myles Youngblood:

stop and think. I'm like, okay, is this really what I want to do?

Myles Youngblood:

And I was like, nah, it's not.

Myles Youngblood:

And I was like, hm, you know, doing this podcast was. Was kind of

Myles Youngblood:

Fun. Like, what if I, instead of, like, having the podcast, be like,

Myles Youngblood:

this little one off on the side, not really serious, and what if I actually like trying

Myles Youngblood:

to take podcasting seriously? So that's when

Myles Youngblood:

I decided to, uh,

Myles Youngblood:

pivot and. Oh, uh, actually

Myles Youngblood:

a main reason why I, uh,

Myles Youngblood:

pivoted from that done with you to

Myles Youngblood:

just going into podcasting is because another

Myles Youngblood:

entrepreneur who I respect, who. His name is Sam

Myles Youngblood:

Ovens, he said he recently shifted his

Myles Youngblood:

position on, um, what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. He

Myles Youngblood:

said that he used to always think that it's just discipline, discipline,

Myles Youngblood:

discipline. All you have to do. If you just have 10 out of 10,

Myles Youngblood:

discipline, you will succeed. And he's recently

Myles Youngblood:

pivoted on that point. Not necessarily saying that you

Myles Youngblood:

don't need discipline, but he was saying that you also have to have

Myles Youngblood:

that passion, and that passion is what's going to get you through

Myles Youngblood:

tough times. And that was the main reason why I

Myles Youngblood:

pivoted from doing that, is because I will wake up every

Myles Youngblood:

single day trying to make these, like, you, like, Instagram Reels,

Myles Youngblood:

YouTube shorts for accountants. And I didn't really care to

Myles Youngblood:

do that. Like, it was literally a dread. Like, it was to the point where, like, I would

Myles Youngblood:

get up in the day and I would know that I would have to make that content. I would just.

Myles Youngblood:

Just be so sick, just be so blunt. Like, I didn't even want to get out of

Myles Youngblood:

bed. Um, but

Myles Youngblood:

once I started doing podcasts, I'm like, oh, yeah, I really, I really

Myles Youngblood:

enjoy this. Like, let's see where this takes me.

Anthony Weaver:

So, yeah, yeah, having these,

Anthony Weaver:

uh, these interviews, to me, podcasting is

Anthony Weaver:

therapy, you know, this is where you can

Anthony Weaver:

actually get your thoughts out.

Anthony Weaver:

And right now, even though it's just you and I,

Anthony Weaver:

but we're going to release this to the world.

Anthony Weaver:

But even when you do your own single

Anthony Weaver:

interviews, you just talking to yourself and

Anthony Weaver:

the screen and maybe you got a couple notes,

Anthony Weaver:

that's it. Um, and

Anthony Weaver:

for a lot of introverts, this is great. But when it

Anthony Weaver:

gets to, you know, the conferences and stuff like

Anthony Weaver:

that, you meet around people and there's a lot of talking.

Anthony Weaver:

Because I was even thinking about to the point where I might just get business cards

Anthony Weaver:

of, like, who I am, my talking points,

Anthony Weaver:

just directly on the, on the thing, who I am,

Anthony Weaver:

what my show is about, name of it, all that fun

Anthony Weaver:

stuff because, uh, it's a lot of talking.

Myles Youngblood:

It's a lot. It is, it is. When we was at podcast

Myles Youngblood:

movement, I was like, oh, my goodness. Like,

Myles Youngblood:

especially having to do the Same pitch of what I do for

Myles Youngblood:

my podcast over and over and over again, like back to, back

Myles Youngblood:

to back. Oh, man, it was a lot. But good.

Myles Youngblood:

Great conference, Great conference. I'm trying to plot on, um, podcast

Myles Youngblood:

evolution in Chicago.

Anthony Weaver:

Okay. I did enjoy. I can give you heads up because

Anthony Weaver:

I did do, uh, evolutions earlier this

Anthony Weaver:

year in 2024. Um, because I was speaking there

Anthony Weaver:

and talking about the burnout for podcasters

Anthony Weaver:

and I just say, like, it's mostly suits

Anthony Weaver:

in there. So I'm gonna give you a heads up with that meaning. Um,

Anthony Weaver:

it wasn't like how movement was where there's a lot of

Anthony Weaver:

podcasters, we get a vibe and everything like that. It's

Anthony Weaver:

mostly the business side of the house. So they looking

Anthony Weaver:

for like, hey, you doing the deal? Cool.

Anthony Weaver:

What's the deal? And the deals were start off at 10k

Anthony Weaver:

and then they move up. So you got

Anthony Weaver:

Microsoft there, Google was there,

Anthony Weaver:

um, obviously the podcast

Anthony Weaver:

hosting platforms like Blueberry, uh,

Anthony Weaver:

Libsyn and so forth. So all of those guys are

Anthony Weaver:

there. Most, um, of the AI folks, everybody that's

Anthony Weaver:

helping out podcasters to be successful on the back

Anthony Weaver:

end. You're going to meet up with them.

Myles Youngblood:

Sure. Okay. I appreciate the heads up.

Anthony Weaver:

Yeah. So with the heads up in the

Anthony Weaver:

futures, um, what skills or habits that's going to

Anthony Weaver:

take you to that next level?

Myles Youngblood:

I think for me, I just need

Myles Youngblood:

to be a lot more

Myles Youngblood:

focused. And what I mean by focused, I mean sometimes, uh,

Myles Youngblood:

I'm just very like, I know what

Myles Youngblood:

I need to do for the day and I know what

Myles Youngblood:

I'm doing like right now. But like, like different things

Myles Youngblood:

pop up and it'll just like, take my attention. Like. So, for

Myles Youngblood:

example, uh, I might be, you

Myles Youngblood:

know, looking at some videos for

Myles Youngblood:

my, uh, for my clients and I'm doing

Myles Youngblood:

that and, and then something else. Like maybe somebody

Myles Youngblood:

emailed me, uh, about like just, I just

Myles Youngblood:

get a random email. So I'm like, okay, so then I'll stop doing that

Myles Youngblood:

and then I'll go to the email and then I'll go back to that. So instead

Myles Youngblood:

of like completing, I need to

Myles Youngblood:

complete the task that I'm doing and then move on to

Myles Youngblood:

the next task. That's something that I

Myles Youngblood:

need to start doing a lot more.

Anthony Weaver:

Yeah, that's good that you are able to kind of pinpoint

Anthony Weaver:

exactly that, um, that focus

Anthony Weaver:

piece. Once I figure it out, I'll definitely do an episode

Anthony Weaver:

on that or if I find a psychologist because,

Anthony Weaver:

uh, yeah, that's one of the things that,

Anthony Weaver:

um, that we all need to work on actually. You know

Anthony Weaver:

what? I need to bring somebody back on the

Anthony Weaver:

show because she does clean. She has a

Anthony Weaver:

cleaning business. Because I was asking her, like, how do you clean the

Anthony Weaver:

house within an hour? Whereas if I'm doing

Anthony Weaver:

it, it's going to take me like three hours cleaning

Anthony Weaver:

the same thing. And I'm like. Because, you

Anthony Weaver:

know, she was like, well, you mostly focus on the things where things

Anthony Weaver:

supposed to go, instead of just moving it out the

Anthony Weaver:

way or just bulk it together, finish

Anthony Weaver:

one room at a time. And I was like, oh, uh,

Anthony Weaver:

well, I might have you come back on to do a deeper dive

Anthony Weaver:

on how do you. You stay focused. So

Anthony Weaver:

thanks for that idea for sure. It helped both of us

Anthony Weaver:


Myles Youngblood:

Exactly. That's what podcasting is for. Learn something.

Anthony Weaver:

Yes, sir. For free, too.

Myles Youngblood:

Emphasis on that.

Anthony Weaver:

Right, so, um, is there anything that you want to

Anthony Weaver:

leave the audience with before we dive into the final four

Anthony Weaver:


Myles Youngblood:

I, uh, would say

Myles Youngblood:

to just really follow your passion. I think

Myles Youngblood:

nowadays it's so easy for people to

Myles Youngblood:

get caught up in trying to chase money

Myles Youngblood:

or trying to chase status or whatever. Like, at the

Myles Youngblood:

end of the day, you know, I'm saying

Myles Youngblood:

everybody's gonna have their day eventually, so you might as well

Myles Youngblood:

do, um, what you want, do what you love, uh, and

Myles Youngblood:

so really just pursue what you passionate about for real. And it doesn't

Myles Youngblood:

even necessarily mean, oh, you have to start a business. But, like, if

Myles Youngblood:

there's something that you really like doing, just do

Myles Youngblood:

that, integrate that, integrate it in your life

Myles Youngblood:


Anthony Weaver:

Hey, best way to leave it. So, you ready

Anthony Weaver:

for the final four?

Myles Youngblood:

Let's do it all.

Anthony Weaver:

Ah, right.

Anthony Weaver:

Question number one. What does wealth mean

Anthony Weaver:

to you?

Myles Youngblood:

To me, wealth means abundance. You can

Myles Youngblood:

be wealthy in multiple ways. You could have a wealth of knowledge, you could have

Myles Youngblood:

a monetary wealth. Uh,

Myles Youngblood:

it just means abundance,

Myles Youngblood:


Anthony Weaver:

And what was your worst money mistake?

Myles Youngblood:

Oh, man, where's money mistake?

Myles Youngblood:

I would say the worst money mistake I ever

Myles Youngblood:

made was when I was, uh, I, uh,

Myles Youngblood:

was trying to day trade, right? And I

Myles Youngblood:

ended up losing a lot of

Myles Youngblood:

money, right? I lost probably like, it was probably

Myles Youngblood:

like $4,000, right? And I was on Kraken and I

Myles Youngblood:

was doing 5x leverage. No, stop loss. It was stupid. Ended up

Myles Youngblood:

getting liquidated, all that. So. And

Myles Youngblood:

I was doing it. Uh, my friend I was telling you about, like, we were

Myles Youngblood:

doing it together, so we were trading. So I got liquidated, he got

Myles Youngblood:

liquidated. And we came up with this

Myles Youngblood:

brilliant idea of, yo,

Myles Youngblood:

we were on 5 cracker only got 5x leverage. If we get on

Myles Youngblood:

Bybit, like, they got uh, up to 100x leverage. So

Myles Youngblood:

what did we do? 100x. Yes. 100x

Myles Youngblood:

leverage. You will, uh, you will get liquidated in a

Myles Youngblood:

second. But I mean, we weren't, we, we didn't go

Myles Youngblood:

that far, but we still far enough.

Myles Youngblood:

So what? We ended up doubling down. So I think

Myles Youngblood:

I took what, I think at this point, like

Myles Youngblood:

10, $11,000, put it in by bit,

Myles Youngblood:

and decided that I was going to

Myles Youngblood:

go on 25x leverage. Keep in mind

Myles Youngblood:

that I had no track record of being profitable

Myles Youngblood:

at this point. So I don't know why I

Myles Youngblood:

thought I went on YouTube. There was like, the

Myles Youngblood:

strategy that I was learning and da, da, da. And I was like, oh, okay, like this seems

Myles Youngblood:

simple enough. Let me, let me use this indicator. Okay, look at this

Myles Youngblood:

green dot. Blah, ah, blah, blah, Bye. All right, cool.

Myles Youngblood:

So I did that. And I'll never forget we were on the phone when we did

Myles Youngblood:

it. We put it, we put it in the order

Myles Youngblood:

and I was like, all right, I'm not trying to be, I'm not trying to

Myles Youngblood:

be emotional. Watch this. Da, da, da. Oh, I also. No stop

Myles Youngblood:

loss, by the way. No stop loss. I put the

Myles Youngblood:

phone down and probably like 60 seconds

Myles Youngblood:

later he calls me back and he's like, bro,

Myles Youngblood:

look, now I'll go back to look,

Myles Youngblood:

I'm just down astronomically. And so we over

Myles Youngblood:

here just trying to see if, you know, if it's

Myles Youngblood:

going to reverse. Did not so. And

Myles Youngblood:

so, all in all, I probably lost like

Myles Youngblood:

$20,000 trying to trade cryptocurrencies.

Myles Youngblood:

Um, and I did it the wrong way. So that was definitely my

Myles Youngblood:

worst mistake by far.

Anthony Weaver:

Wow. Hey, well, I mean, that explains

Anthony Weaver:

why you listen and subscribe to a lot of other

Anthony Weaver:

people. Get your education up. Keep it simple.

Myles Youngblood:

I'm doing it right this time around.

Anthony Weaver:

Right. Uh, number three,

Anthony Weaver:

what is your favorite financial or non

Anthony Weaver:

financial book?

Myles Youngblood:

I don't really have, uh, a favorite

Myles Youngblood:

finance book. I'm more, if I'm being

Myles Youngblood:

honest, I consume a lot more podcast.

Myles Youngblood:

Shocker, right? I consume a lot more podcasts

Myles Youngblood:

and uh, other content creators, content way more than I, than I

Myles Youngblood:

do books. But a book that I'm, I'm

Myles Youngblood:

rereading now I've already read it is, uh,

Myles Youngblood:

David Goggins book Can't Hurt Me. And I really

Myles Youngblood:

like that. I really like that book because

Myles Youngblood:

it really goes to show you, like, you could really do

Myles Youngblood:

absolutely anything you put your mind to and that you are

Myles Youngblood:

not. And more importantly, that I'm not unlocking

Myles Youngblood:

my full potential. And if I'm Being honest as honest.

Myles Youngblood:

That's one thing that, you know, I want

Myles Youngblood:

to be able to say when my time comes

Myles Youngblood:

is that I gave. I gave it my all and I

Myles Youngblood:

reached my full potential. I, uh, don't. I don't

Myles Youngblood:

want to be like, damn, shoulda, could have, woulda, like.

Myles Youngblood:

I ain't trying to live my life like that. So I'm trying to

Myles Youngblood:

reread that to really understand,

Myles Youngblood:

um, you know, myself and, you

Myles Youngblood:

know, as. As he says, you know, stay hard.

Anthony Weaver:

So, yeah, you gotta do what you gotta

Anthony Weaver:

do. Number four, what is

Anthony Weaver:

your favorite dish to make?

Myles Youngblood:

Um, like,

Myles Youngblood:

I. I'm being honest. I'm not really a cooker like that. I

Myles Youngblood:

can't. I ain't the best at throwing it down, but

Myles Youngblood:

recently, one thing I've been eating is a lot more chicken

Myles Youngblood:

thighs. Like the dark meat, it tastes significantly better

Myles Youngblood:

than white meat chicken breast. So I've been taking those, cutting those up, making

Myles Youngblood:

quesadillas out of those. Um, so. So,

Myles Youngblood:

yeah, that's. That's been something I've been eating

Myles Youngblood:


Anthony Weaver:

All right, uh, let's see the

Anthony Weaver:

last question of the show, which is where could people find

Anthony Weaver:

out more about you?

Myles Youngblood:

Oh, for sure. Uh, so I'm on.

Myles Youngblood:

I'm mainly on, uh, Instagram. I'm very active over

Myles Youngblood:

there every single day, which is at Myles Youngblood tv. And

Myles Youngblood:

that's Myles with a Y. Uh, and then my

Myles Youngblood:

YouTube. Uh, if you want to check out my podcast, it's

Myles Youngblood:

Myles uh, a young blood on YouTube.

Anthony Weaver:

So cool. Well, thank you, Myles

Anthony Weaver:

so much for coming through, dropping some knowledge, dropping

Anthony Weaver:

your story on how you were able to

Anthony Weaver:

become, uh, who you are today. And

Anthony Weaver:

definitely I'll be watching and subscribing to

Anthony Weaver:

see how far you go, and would love to have you back on

Anthony Weaver:

the show even to talk about anything that's new that's

Anthony Weaver:

going through, you want to share with the audience. Um, and

Anthony Weaver:

even if you made some mistakes, you know, we all learn from

Anthony Weaver:

each other mistakes, and that's the best way we can learn to get better, because

Anthony Weaver:

we don't talk about this stuff in our communities

Anthony Weaver:

enough. Um, and I think that this is something

Anthony Weaver:

that we can continue on, having this

Anthony Weaver:

discussion around the dinner table, especially with the holidays

Anthony Weaver:

coming up.

Myles Youngblood:

Absolutely, man. I mean, that's really why I started my show,

Myles Youngblood:

because I wanted to not only highlight my

Myles Youngblood:

journey, but other people's journey and understand that everybody

Myles Youngblood:

started from zero. Everybody started with just an

Myles Youngblood:

idea, and that idea came to fruition. You just. You just

Myles Youngblood:

met that person when they were at their peak or hitting or

Myles Youngblood:

just now catching their stride. But there. There's

Myles Youngblood:

a story behind how they got there. Uh,

Myles Youngblood:

and most of the time, the story wasn't, oh, they had a silver

Myles Youngblood:

spoon in their mouth. A lot of it was. It was a lot of hardship.

Myles Youngblood:

So I want to highlight people's hardships,

Myles Youngblood:

and I don't. And I literally have no shame in sharing mine.

Myles Youngblood:


Anthony Weaver:

Yeah, no, I greatly appreciate you sharing it with the audience today

Anthony Weaver:

and with myself. So with that, everybody, hopefully

Anthony Weaver:

y'all got something out of this episode. If you did go ahead

Anthony Weaver:

on and, like, share, subscribe. If you didn't go head

Anthony Weaver:

on and share with somebody else, they might like it next time. So

Anthony Weaver:

who knows what night what might not be for

Anthony Weaver:

you will be for somebody else. All right,

Anthony Weaver:

everybody, y'all be safe. Safe. We out.

Myles Youngblood:

Peace. Later.

Anthony Weaver:

Uh, back in

Anthony Weaver:

2000, you recently graduated, Howard, and

Anthony Weaver:

has it been 2020?

Myles Youngblood:

You said 2000.

Anthony Weaver:

I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm thinking about my own stuff.

Myles Youngblood:

I was like, whoa, don't tell you I ain't that old,

Myles Youngblood:


Anthony Weaver:

Uh, I mean, come on, now. I mean,

Anthony Weaver:

hey, I think I know.

Myles Youngblood:

So I can't even tell.


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About the Podcast

Helping You Build Strong Financial Habits!
About That Wallet is a financial lifestyle podcast hosted by Anthony Weaver. It's designed to help the sandwich generation build strong financial habits and make smarter money decisions. The podcast covers a wide range of personal finance topics, including:

Budgeting and saving: Tips for creating and sticking to a budget, and strategies for saving money.
Investing: Advice on investing for the future, including stocks, bonds, and real estate.

Debt management: Strategies for paying off debt and avoiding future debt.
Financial planning: How to set financial goals and create a plan to achieve them.

The podcast often features interviews with experts in finance, discussions on current financial trends, and practical tips for improving your financial literacy. If you're looking for a podcast that can help you take control of your finances, About That Wallet is a great option.

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